I'm a young person
If you are a young person aged between 12-25 and need information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and alcohol and other drugs, this section is designed for you.
Need some extra support?
Try an interactive activity or connect with a mental health professional.
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Create connections
Eat well
Get enough sleep
Get into life
Learn skills for tough times
Limit alcohol & other drugs
Stay active
cut back on alcohol and other drugs for a healthy headspace
You can clear your mind, improve your energy, and boost your motivation.
eating for a healthy headspace
Eating well gives you more energy, helps you sleep better and improves your concentration.
create connections for a healthy headspace
Put time into your relationships to help feel connected and boost your energy.
tips for a healthy headspace
Good mental health and wellbeing allows us to live our lives in a positive and meaningful way and ‘bounce back’ from life’s changes and challenges.
get enough sleep for a healthy headspace
Getting the right amount of good sleep can give you more energy and improve concentration.
stay active for a healthy headspace
Staying active can improve your sleep, give you more energy and help manage stress.
Interactive Activity
setting goals can help you make positive changes in your life.
Do you want to learn more?
Small steps start big things
We know that there’s a lot going on right now, and times are tough. We get it. But, sometimes the biggest change starts with a small step.