I'm a young person

If you are a young person aged between 12-25 and need information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and alcohol and other drugs, this section is designed for you.

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dealing with relationship breakups

Relationships break-up for lots of reasons. Often it’s no-one’s ‘fault’ and nobody is to blame – instead, things just aren’t working out.

young parents: group chat transcripts

Being a young parent is a whole new world! While it can be tough, read group chat transcripts on everything from looking after your baby to managing your own mental…
icon-groupchat eheadspace Group Chat

... but i can’t talk to my parents

Sometimes life can feel kind of hard and we need support from others. You could seek help from your parents but often young people find this idea scary. There…

understanding sexual consent

Romantic and sexual relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Yet there are some things that healthy relationships have in common; they are built on a base of respect, clear…

how to understand and deal with loneliness

We all feel lonely from time to time. Some people feel lonely when they’re surrounded by people, and others are totally OK on their own. Everyone experiences loneliness differently.

Responding to family conflict

Conflict is a normal part of all relationships including those in your family and it’s something we all experience at times.

building healthy romantic relationships

Relationships, dating and hooking up can be a source of connection, happiness and support. They can also be a time of uncertainty, which is why it’s helpful to know what…

how to help a friend who has been impacted by a natural disaster

Life changes for everyone during and after a natural disaster and we can all react and cope differently. If you know a friend who has been impacted by the bushfires,…