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  • Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: 10:30am - 2:30pm
  • Sunday: Closed


Welcome to headspace Hobart! We are a free, youth-focused health service for young people aged 12-25 who are:

  • feeling down, depressed or anxious
  • having difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • being hurt or bullied
  • worried about drinking or drug use
  • needing sexual health help.

Please be aware that we are not a crisis service and there may be a waiting time.

You don't need a referral to see us at headspace, just call us on 6231 2927 or email

To learn more about headspace Hobart check out our Welcome Pack for Young People, or watch our virtual tour.

Our centre is wheelchair friendly and disability parking is available in the multi-story car park across the road


  • Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: 10:30am - 2:30pm
  • Sunday: Closed

headspace Hobart is operated by The Link Youth Health Service. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, Tasmania (Primary Health Tasmania).


Services could include: provision of contraception and advice, testing, support, treatment and management of sexually transmissible infections(STI) HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis vaccination for Hepatitis and HPV, pregnancy testing and referral.

GPs can help with any physical health issues as well as issues related to sexual health, drug or alcohol use, relationship problems or feeling down or upset. Your centre may have a GP on site or links to one locally. 

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with any alcohol or other drug concern.

A group of young people who help with events and some decision making at a centre. Ask your centre about getting involved.

Mental health workers – which may include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other workers – that can help if you're just not feeling yourself.

Sexual health screenings on site or links to local services. 

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with work or study opportunities. 

Centres have a range of programs and activities for young people. Just ask your centre what they have on. 

“As soon as I sought help, I suddenly realised that my anxiety was very treatable and that I wasn’t alone.”
- Charlie


More information

headspace Hobart values your feedback and welcomes compliments, suggestions, and complaints to help us improve our services. 

We will respond directly to resolve any issues in a timely manner and will keep you up to date on any actions we take as a result of your feedback.

You can provide feedback in several ways:

  • Complete our feedback form in the waiting room
  • Complete our online feedback form:  headspace Hobart Feedback form
  • Face to face: Speak directly to your worker or another headspace Hobart staff member.
  • Email our Centre Manager: angela@thelink.org.au
  • Phone: 6231 2927

Our staff can help you resolve the issue, or help you to make a formal complaint.

You can also contact the Health Complaints Commissioner on 1800 001 170 or www.healthcomplaints.tas.gov.au

If you require urgent mental health support please contact eheadspace - 1800 650 890, Lifeline - 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800 or Mental Health Helpline - 1800 332 388.

Welcome to headspace Hobart! We are a free, youth-focused health service for young people aged 12-25 who are:

  • feeling down, depressed or anxious
  • having difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • being hurt or bullied
  • worried about drinking or drug use
  • needing sexual health help.

Visits to headspace Hobart are covered by Medicare. Need your own Medicare card? Just ask one of our team.

Our centre is wheelchair friendly and disability parking is available in the multi-story car park across the road

You don't need a referral to see us at headspace, just call us on 6231 2927 or email.

Please be aware that we are not a crisis service and there may be a waiting time.

If you would like to refer a young person, please complete our referral form and email or fax it 6231 3908. 

To learn more about headspace Hobart check out our Welcome Pack for Young People, or watch our virtual tour.


Management Team 

Angela - CEO

Andrew - Deputy CEO

Libby - Centre Manager

Clinical Manager - Berny

Clinical Leads - Sam, George (Acting)


Reception Team

Sarah (Senior Receptionist), Alyce, Ellie, Nat


Access Team Clinicians

Jake (Senior ATC), Ash, Caitlin, Esme, Maggie


General Practitioners

Alison, Alessandra, Anthea, Arella  


Allied Health Professionals

Adela, Ben, George, Mirte, Hannah


Early Careers Program

Liam - Clinical Educator

Kat-  Early Careers Graduate 


Community Health Educator



Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Worker



First Nations Health and Wellbeing Worker



Work and Study Program

Paddy  (Senior Vocational Specialist)

Ryan (Vocational Specialist)

Alex (Vocational Specialist)

Joe (Vocational Peer Worker)


Events and Stakeholder Engagement Officer












All services at headspace Hobart are free* of charge.

Our Centre has a number of health providers who work under the Medicare system which means that to see our GP and Psychologists we need your Medicare card.

All visits to the GP are bulk billed and up 10 sessions per calendar year with a Psychologist can also be bulk billed under Medicare.

If you don't have a Medicare card follow this link to apply: Medicare Card Services Australia

If you are not eligible for a Medicare card, please check with our reception staff about payment options.

If you would like to refer someone to our centre, you will need to make sure that the young person is aware that you have referred them, and is willing to meet with a member from the headspace Hobart team. The best option is to encourage or support the young person to call our centre and self refer. If they are not comfortable doing this you can call with them, or call on their behalf but a worker may ask that the young person speak with with them briefly over the phone to confirm they give consent to access the service. 

How can I help my child, friend or family member who needs support?

If you feel a young person may be in serious danger please contact triple zero (000) or phone the Mental Health Services Helpline on 1800 332 388 (Free; available 24 hours)

It’s good to talk with people who know the young person; the family GP, or someone at the young person’s school - definitely a good idea if the main problems are related to school (e.g. bullying).
If you’re not sure, there are some good supports available:
ReachOut provides phone support and online resources  about mental health - and how to help someone. Visit au.reachout.com
Lifeline can assist when you’re concerned about someone - 13 1114 (Free; 24 hours)

For parents, ParentLine is a Tasmanian service for parents - they can help when you’re concerned about your child - phone 1300 808 178 (local call cost; 24 hours)
You can also call headspace Hobart on 6231 2927;  If headspace is the right service for the young person, we can do a referral with you over the phone.

What do I do if a friend or family member says they don't need help (but I think they do)?

It's really difficult for family members and friends when they are concerned about someone who isn’t agreeing to get help. When that’s the case, it’s good to talk to someone who understands and can help:

If you feel a young person may be in serious danger please contact triple zero (000) or phone the Mental Health Services Helpline on 1800 332 388 (Free; 24 hours).
For parents, ParentLine is a Tasmanian service for parents - if your child won’t accept help, they can support you to work out what to do next - phone 1300 808 178 (Local call cost; 24 hours).
ReachOut provides resources and advice on asking someone if they’re ok and what to do if you’re worried about a friend or family member - they’ve also created a great app called The Check In’ that helps you support a friend in tough times:https://au.reachout.com/tools-and-apps/the-check-in 
You can also call us at headspace Hobart on 6231 2927; our staff may be able to help you work out a way forward, or check out our Family and Friends Welcome Pack for more information.
Further information to support families and friends in caring and supporting young people can be accessed on the I'm Supporting a Young Person page. 

Are you a client of headspace Hobart?

Do you want help finding suitable work or study?

Our Work & Study specialists can help.

Our Work & Study team can offer a range of practical supports to help you, and tailor your support around your needs and goals.

Ask your headspace worker about the Work & Study program today.

The headspace Hobart Work & Study program (IPS) is Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services




Get free and confidential, tailored 1-on-1 support for young people aged 15-25 on everything from study and education options to job hunting and career advice. Click here for more information.

headspace Work and Study


headspace Hobart is located at 49 Liverpool Street in Hobart, a 5 minute walk from the Elizabeth Street Bus Mall.

Our reception area and downstairs rooms are wheelchair accessible.

Unfortunately we can't provide onsite parking, but long term parking- including disability parking-  is available at the Argyle Street Carpark, where the first hour is free.

If you would like to refer a young person, please complete our referral form.

If you are a GP, you should include a Mental Health Care Plan for the young person and attach it to the referral form. These can be sent via fax to headspace Hobart on 6231 3908 or email.

Please include as much information as possible in the referral.

Referrals must be undertaken with the consent of the young person.

headspace Hobart referral form

When you turn 15 years of age, you can apply for your own Medicare card. You will have to do some paper work and provide some identification, such as a student card or birth certificate, as well as details about the card you are transferring from. 

For details on how to get your own Medicare card use this linkHave your own Medicare card and number if you’re 15 or older and enrolled in Medicare - Medicare card - Services Australia  

If you need help you can have a chat to our Access Team.

At headspace Hobart we understand that asking for help when you are not well can sometimes be overwhelming, so we try to make it as easy and stress-free as possible for young people to access our services.

If you would like to see someone at headspace Hobart, or to find out more about how we can help, just give us a call on 6231 2927, or send us an email.  

Please be aware that we are not a crisis service and there may be a waiting time for an appointment. If you require immediate support please contact Lifeline on 11 13 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800.

headspace Hobart aims to provide easy access to services for young people at no cost, and we ensure that we respect your confidentiality.

If you have a valid Australian Medicare card and a current Mental Health Care Plan, you can have up to 10 sessions in a calendar year with your Allied Health Worker (Clinical/General Psychologist, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist) bulk billed through Medicare.

Don't have a Medicare card? Follow this link to the application form here.

If you are an international student you must pay for your consultation, then you can claim from your private health provider.

Our sexual health doctor, Alison, has a clinic at headspace Hobart on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Appointments are often available on the day. Just call 6231 2927 or email to make a booking.


You can come and discuss:

-general sexual health questions

-relationship issues

-pregnancy testing and pregnancy options

-contraception, including the pill and Implanon insertion

-STI testing

-PAP smears

-period problems


There is no cost involved (fully covered by Medicare)

 SH Clinic Poster

We value our volunteer youth advocates who make up our headspace Hobart Youth Reference Group. They assist us in delivering community awareness events and provide advice with regard to delivering youth friendly services.

We are always keen to hear from you if you're 16-25 years of age, have been a client of our service, and/or have an interest in promoting mental health and wellbeing in the Hobart community.

headspace Hobart will provide a range of training to support your participation in a range of groups and activities.

By getting involved you will:

  • Have the opportunity to have your say on local and National youth mental health topics
  • Develop new skills
  • Meet and work with other young people who are passionate about youth mental health 
  • We offer training opportunities for our Youth Reference Group members such as certification in Youth Mental Health First Aid.

If you would like to learn more about the group or the application process to become a member please contact Shelagh, our Community Health Educator on 6231 2927 or email.




Working collaboratively with schools and community groups to promote mental health awareness, resilience and early help seeking is a priority for the team at headspace Hobart. 

Our Community Health Educator and Access Team Clinicians are available to deliver presentations and workshops.

We support schools in promoting mental health awareness with young people and their families, and aim to promote mental wellness, enhance awareness of mental health problems and build young people's capacity to seek help early.

We offer generalised presentations explaining all about headspace, the help that we can provide and ways that we can look after each other.

These interactive sessions cover the following:

  • What is headspace?
  • What is mental health?
  • What is stress? 
  • What are healthy coping skills?
  • How to help a friend.
  • Where to find help.

If your school is planning an expo or other event with a youth mental health and wellbeing focus, we'd love to come along with our activities and resources. 

We can also offer more tailored presentations with specific themes, depending on the age and needs of the group,  that are delivered as interactive chats, however these presentations require a bit more planning, so please allow plenty of time with your request.

To arrange a presentation, workshop, or stall at your event please contact our Community Health Educator on 6231 2927 or send us an email.