I'm supporting a young person
Raising sensitive issues and working to resolve problems that arise along the way can be challenging. It can also be hard as a parent to know the difference between normal behaviour, such as moodiness, irritability and withdrawal, and an emerging mental health problem. This section is designed to help you.
Do you have a few minutes to spare? If you are a family member or friend supporting a young person who is seeking support at a headspace centre, we would love to hear from you!
tips to support a young person in finding a job
Finding work for a young person can be challenging. We've compiled some tips to help family and friends support them through the process.
understanding school refusal
The idea of going to school can be cause for severe distress for a young person and can result in a reluctance to go to school and an increase in…
back to school
Young people can feel a range of emotions when they're heading back to school, which include feelings of excitement, anticipation and nerves.
supporting young people to find motivation when studying
Many young people are going through a lot of change, and this can affect their motivation to study. Whether your young person is in high school or doing other study,…
transition from primary to secondary school - supporting your young person
Transitions are moments in life which involve moving from one stage to another and dealing with the changes that come with them.
supporting young people with school stress
Strategies to support young people to manage stress at school