I'm a young person
If you are a young person aged between 12-25 and need information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and alcohol and other drugs, this section is designed for you.
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Try an interactive activity or connect with a mental health professional.
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Budgeting & tax
Career planning
Education pathways
Job interviews
Job search
Mental health at work
Mental health while studying
Resumes & cover letters
Skills for the workplace
Study tips
managing your families' work and study expectations - hearing from multicultural young people
Our family and cultural values can be aspects of our identity that shape our motivations and goals. While these values can be a source of strength, they can sometimes be…
face to face vs. online learning
Explore the ways you can choose to learn, be it face-to-face; online; or on the job
Work & study support
headspace work and study Programs support young people with everything education and employment related. From finding your first job to deciding what to study, we can help.
eheadspace Group Chat
life after school, what's next?
So you're through with school, now what? If you're unsure about what's next, or just want to talk through your options jump into this chat with some of headspace's Vocational…
understanding your options after finishing secondary school
If you aren’t sure what’s next after walking out of the school gates or didn’t get the year 12 results you wanted, it’s important to know you have options.
learning options
There are many ways to learn, from university degrees, to short intense courses, to job training and more.
how to finance your studies
Once you've chosen the course you'd like to do, you need to make sure that you're able to cover the expenses of the course fees and your living costs while…
PDF factsheet
Work & Study action plan
Reflect on the tools you need to reach your work and study goals.