I'm a young person
If you are a young person aged between 12-25 and need information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and alcohol and other drugs, this section is designed for you.
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Budgeting & tax
Career planning
Education pathways
Job interviews
Job search
Mental health at work
Mental health while studying
Resumes & cover letters
Skills for the workplace
Study tips
Work & study support
headspace work and study Programs support young people with everything education and employment related. From finding your first job to deciding what to study, we can help.
how to deal with bullying in the workplace
We will explore practical strategies to deal with workplace bullying, understand its effects, protect your wellbeing, and provide support options for those affected.
work burnout and the effects on your mental health
Are you feeling like you might be suffering from work burnout? It’s common in many young people and there are ways to manage it.
tips for managing stress and anxiety during your job hunt
Looking for a job takes time and effort, and feelings of stress can creep in. But you can learn to identify common causes of job search stress and effective ways…
mental health benefits of work & study
If you’re having a tough time, getting into work and study might be the last thing on your mind, but it can really help your mental health.
mental health in the workplace
Mental health challenges can throw a curveball into different parts of our lives, like school, hanging out with friends, and even work. But don't sweat it—there's help available.