I'm a young person
If you are a young person aged between 12-25 and need information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and alcohol and other drugs, this section is designed for you.
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Try an interactive activity or connect with a mental health professional.
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Budgeting & tax
Career planning
Education pathways
Job interviews
Job search
Mental health at work
Mental health while studying
Resumes & cover letters
Skills for the workplace
Study tips
PDF factsheet
getting help for your mental health: a guide for international students
Information on accessing mental health support in Australia as an international student.
Work & study support
headspace work and study Programs support young people with everything education and employment related. From finding your first job to deciding what to study, we can help.
mental health benefits of work & study
If you’re having a tough time, getting into work and study might be the last thing on your mind, but it can really help your mental health.
Coping with big changes - leaving secondary school
One major transition that most young people experience relates to what happens after leaving secondary school, and this can bring significant changes and challenges.
working on your mental and emotional health
It’s very important to stay mentally and emotionally healthy while you are studying, so that you will have the best learning experience, and make the most of your abilities.
how to study for exams and reduce stress
To help reduce stress and be as ready for the exam as you can be, learn more about planning, prioritising, looking after yourself and staying focused. You’ve got this!
Interactive Activity
procrastination can get in the way of us living our best lives
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Interactive Activity
having trouble with motivation?
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