Resources for educators

headspace provides educators with the professional learning, tools and resources to support young people, family, friends and carers. Our team provide suicide prevention, postvention and response support.

Access suicide prevention and suicide response resources below: 

Suicide prevention     

Suicide response 

Response to large scale incidents

PDF factsheet

Information on mental health support for international students

A guide for education institutions, youth services and mental health service providers.
PDF factsheet

For schools: supporting student voice in disaster recovery

Student voice is important in all aspects of the school community – including disaster recovery. Sometimes during disasters or times of crisis, children and young people can feel helpless and…
PDF factsheet

Delivering effective suicide postvention in Australian school communities

This report provides a description, key learnings and recommendations of headspace School Support (2011 – 2017), a world-first program supporting Australian school communities to prepare for, respond to and recover…
PDF factsheet

Responding to suicide in secondary schools: a Delphi Study

Suicide is a significant problem amongst young people and when a school student takes their own life it has serious implications for the school community. To minimise the potential for…
PDF factsheet

Final Evaluation Report: Casey Cardinia Suicide Postvention Project

This report provides a description, findings and recommendations of a suicide recovery project conducted by headspace following a cluster of suicides in an outer suburban area of Victoria.
PDF factsheet

Suicide intervention in schools: An evidence summary

The most recent data shows us that suicide is the leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. Other data tells us that many more young people attempt suicide or…
PDF factsheet

Suicide in primary schools

A review of the evidence around suicide, suicide attempts and self-harm in primary school aged children