Mount Gambier

IMG 1128 v2


  • Monday: 9:30am - 5:30pm
  • Tuesday: 9:30am - 7:00pm
  • Wednesday: 11:30am - 5:30pm
  • Thursday: 9:30am - 7:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed



Acknowledgement of Country 

At headspace Mount Gambier, we provide voluntary services for young people aged 12-25. We provide our free confidential, non-judgemental, youth friendly services in-person, online or via telephone - whatever you prefer! 

Our 'talk-soon' program is available everyday

Referrals can be made by anyone by completing the online referral form or by downloading and submitting the hard-copy form.

online referral form

referral form

Looking for directions to our centre? 

*Our centre has disability access, information in multiple languages and we are an accredited communication access service!

You can provide feedback via our online feedback form

Visit our linktree


  • Monday: 9:30am - 5:30pm
  • Tuesday: 9:30am - 7:00pm
  • Wednesday: 11:30am - 5:30pm
  • Thursday: 9:30am - 7:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

headspace Mount Gambier is operated by Uniting Communities. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, Country SA PHN.


Services could include: provision of contraception and advice, testing, support, treatment and management of sexually transmissible infections(STI) HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis vaccination for Hepatitis and HPV, pregnancy testing and referral.

If you live near our headspace centre in a rural area but cannot travel in to see us, you can see our mental health workers online.

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with any alcohol or other drug concern.

A group of young people who help with events and some decision making at a centre. Ask your centre about getting involved.

Your GP can refer you to see a specialist youth psychiatrist for bulk billed assessment and management advice for mental health issues.

Mental health workers – which may include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other workers – that can help if you're just not feeling yourself.

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with work or study opportunities. 

Centres have a range of programs and activities for young people. Just ask your centre what they have on. 

“This place feels a lot more comfortable and welcoming than other counselling places I have been, the rooms have a good feeling to them.”
- Male client, aged 14

More information

Making an appointment

Attending an appointment

headspace Mount Gambier welcome pack

Our welcome pack provides you with all of the information about what to expect from headspace. You will be presented with hard copies of these documents when you come in for an appointment. 

welcome pack booklet

friends & families booklet

headspace Mount Gambier information

how we can help

online referral form

referral form

what's on at headspace

Other services

crisis support numbers

Local services list

Limestone Coast services directory

Stronger You services

Privacy and Confidentiality 

headspace Mount Gambier is committed to protecting your privacy. The privacy brochure below sets out how we collect and manage personal information and the steps we take to protect it.

Privacy & personal information brochure

Australian Privacy Principles

Our Duty of Care

We will not disclose your personal information to any third parties without your consent, unless permitted or required to do so by law, in particular when we exercise our Duty of Care.

Contacting us

If you wish to access your personal information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact enquiries@unitingcommunities.org or phone (08) 8202 5274 and ask for the Executive Manager, Services.

We provide services across the entire South East. 

We are offering walk-in appointments to students of Naracoorte High School and Millicent High School, one day per-week during the school term. 

Our outreach worker, Jordyn, works across the Upper South East, providing in-person services at Bordertown, Keith, Naracoorte, Lucindale and Kingston. 

We provide sessions via phone or digitally for people in other towns, if in-person sessions is not an option.

We welcome feedback about our service to help inform us about what we do well and what we could do better.

You can provide general feedback to us via email phone, or via our online feedback form.


Family and Friends (FaF) feedback group

We are looking for family and friends of young people who have received services from us, either past or present to provide feedback on an ad hoc basis. This may be filling out an occasional survey or providing feedback on various events or ideas.

Join the FaF feedback group

Family & Friends satisfaction survey

This survey asks Family and Friends to provide some feedback about the service their young person is receiving and the overall satisfaction from a family member or friends perspective. We would love it if you could complete this survey for us!

Family & Friends Survey

Making a complaint

We are committed to delivering high quality services. If you are not happy with the service you have been provided, we encourage you to provide feedback or make a complaint.

Making a complaint brochure

Check out the fact sheets for the 7 tips for a healthy headspace:

tips to keep good mental health

eat well

stay active


get enough sleep

get into life

learn new skills

cut back on alcohol & other drugs


Here are some activities and tools you can use to keep a healthy headspace:

Zoom Bingo

healthy headspace dice

healthy headspace action plan

mindful colouring book

tips for a healthy headspace book

Take a Step colouring pages

eheadspace spaces & group chats

Check out these spaces, with information on specific topics and regular group chats hosted by eheadspace. These chats are for peers to connect with like-minded people across the country. These chats are moderated by qualified clinicians at eheadspace.

adults supporting young people - fortnightly, Monday's 5.45pm

If you are an adult supporting a young person, it can be helpful to hear from other adults about their experience. Join the community to connect and share with people like you.

navigating relationships - weekly, Mondays 5.45pm

Relationships impact our mental health and wellbeing. Positive relationships provide a feeling of being respected and cared for. Join the community to find out what makes a healthy relationship and how to get things on track.

qheadspace - weekly, Tuesday's 5.45pm

If you identify as, are questioning or are interested in learning about trans and gender diversity and/or sexuality join the community to discuss all things LGBTQIA+

general coping - weekly, Wednesdays 5.45pm

Join the community to learn more about how to keep on top of stress, and function at your best


Meet our team!

Tasja, Centre Manager (she/her)

Tasja’s dream sandwich would be fresh wholegrain bread, lashings of mayonnaise, thick avocado, tasty sliced cheese, lettuce, tomato, salt and pepper! 

Amanda, Senior Practitioner (she/her)

Amanda's favourite smell is White Sage.

Pallavi, Youth Clinical Care Coordinator (she/her)

To relax, Pallavi likes to exercise and enjoys going for a walk.


Taegan, Allied Health Worker. (she/her)

Taegan likes to relax by letting her dog take her for a walk.

Jordyn, Outreach Allied Health Worker (she/her)

If Jordyn was an animal, she would be a panda. They are relaxed and prioritise their sleeping and eating.

Nick, Community Liaison Worker/Youth Worker (he/him)

Nick's dream sandwich would be a pizza.... With cheese, lots of cheese, chicken, bacon, spinach, onion, capsicum and BBQ sauce on top.

Mayah, Youth Worker (she/her)

To relax Mayah likes to get out into nature, go paddle boarding, snorkeling and reading books.

Haijin, Allied Health Worker (she/her)

To relax, Haijin likes doing mindful activities like meditation, yoga, hiking, walk, Pilates, swimming, running and reading.

Shane, Allied Health Worker (he/him)

Shane said If I could be a character from Harry Potter, I 'd be the big guy with a huge beard and long hair, Hagrid I think - no particular reason other than pure envy being able to grow a beard that monumental!

Izaak, Youth Worker (he/him)


Adam, Youth Worker (He/Him)

If Adam could be any animal, he would be an Octopus.

Jiejie, Duty/Intake Worker (She/Her)

If Jiejie were an animal, she’d like to be a capybara, enjoying a relaxed, harmonious and carefree life.




Laurena, Allied Health Worker (She/her)

Velociraptor. Not only are they clever and quick, but it would keep me on my toes!

And meet some of our consortium partners and private practitioners… 

(you can meet with these people at headspace for free too!)


Tim, Alcohol and Other Drugs Counsellor, Life Without Barriers

Tim admires people who can play instruments, he’s good at air guitar but jealous of people who can do the real deal!


Jennie, Private Practitioner, Mental Health Social Worker

(To see Jennie you will need a Mental Health Treatment Plan from your doctor - call us for more info)

To relax, Jennie likes to read, do gardening, and catch up with friends.



Linda, Private Practitioner, Mental Health Social Worker

(To see Linda you will need a Mental Health Treatment Plan from your doctor - call us for more info)


And meet our Youth Reference Group & volunteers.....

James, Adult volunteer

Two major people inspire James are his mother, who was the inspiration for him to get into social work and helping people in general. The other person is Stephen Amell – the work he does raising money for the F Cancer organisation; as well as how he interacts with his fans is truly amazing.

Maddison, Youth Reference Group

Maddison likes to relax by listening to music whilst going for walks.


Phoebe, Youth Reference Group


LGBTIQA+ social group

headspace Mount Gambier is an inclusive and safe space for young people aged 12-18, this includes those who identify as sexually or gender diverse, or are unsure about their sexual or gender identity. Do you want to come and hang out with other sexually and gender diverse young people, play games, chill, and participate in fun activities? It’s free to attend and you don’t have to be a headspace client, all young people are welcome.

Meets fortnightly on Tuesdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm headspace Mount Gambier, 171 Commercial St East. For further information contact 8725 0443 or E-mail: headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org

Our meeting dates for 2024 are:  

  • January 9 & 23
  • February 6 & 20
  • March 5 & 19
  • April 2, 16 & 30
  • May 14 & 28
  • June 11 & 25
  • July 9 & 23
  • August 6 & 20
  • September 3 & 17
  • October 1, 15 & 29
  • November 12 & 26
  • December 10

LGBTIQ+ Youth Group Poster

LGBTIQA+ Group Sign up form



LINK is a social group for 18-25 year olds; held fortnightly at the Mount Gambier Library from 2pm until 4pm on Wednesdays. 

Values: Team Work, Trust, Acceptance (Love), Freedom, Adventure, Wisdom, Creativity, Helping Self & Others.

Activities include: Social chat, creative art, food, cooking, drawing, music, quizzes, well-being workshops & talks (UNLEASH), special guests, chill out, challenges (face your fears), environmental care, movies, motivation, games, nature, volunteering, health & fitness, PlayStation, excursions, comedy, links to community and resources, life skills, and of course - INSPIRATION! :)

Step out of your comfort zone, express another side of yourself, release your true potential, learn, aspire and grow.

LINK Group Poster

youth sexual health clinic

free & confidential

Available at headspace Mount Gambier for all young people aged 12-25.

Meet with the non-judgemental and friendly nurse for:

·         sexual health counselling

·         pregnancy counselling

·         information on emergency contraception, long term contraception & reproductive health.

Call 8725 0443 or email headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunties.org to make an appointment.

Getting involved with headspace 

headspace Mount Gambier promotes youth participation by offering volunteer programs.


Join our Youth Reference Group! (YRG)

Youth Reference Group

Are you aged between 12-25? Do you have something to say about health, mental health and drug and alcohol issues? Why not join other passionate young people and be a part of the headspace Youth Reference Group?

Click here to access the information pack.

Click here to see the position description

We run rounds of recruitment for the YRG approximately every 6 months. We are currently in a recruitment round. Please submit your application, and we will be in touch.

Click here to apply

For more information, send an email to headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org, or call 8725 0443 and ask to speak with Nick, Community Liaison Worker.  

Join our Youth Ambassador Program! (YAP)

Are you aged between 18 and 25 and live in or around Mount Gambier? Are you passionate about mental health and educating other young people?

Our Youth Ambassador program brings together passionate young people and provides them with training to provide peer to peer mental health education to local high school students.

Click here to view the flyer

Check out the information pack here

Click here to apply

For more information, send an email to headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org, or call 8725 0443 and ask to speak with Nick, Community Liaison Worker.  

Join our Family and Friends Reference Group!

Our Family and Friends Reference Group (FaFRG) is a group of people who have lived experience of supporting a young person who has accessed headspace services. The FaFRG advocate for the contribution and the needs of families and friends of young people across headspace groups and programs. 

Click here to see the FaFRG flyer

Click here to apply

Click here to see the position description

For more information, send an email to headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org, or call 8725 0443 and ask to speak with Nick, Community Liaison Worker.  

General Volunteers

At headspace Mount Gambier, we have a number of volunteers who offer a specific set of skills to improve the lives of young people. If you believe you can add value to headspace, please send an email to headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org telling us about yourself and your idea and we'll be in touch.

Thank you to all our fabulous volunteers - our centre would not be the same without your dedication and input!

Our team provides interactive workshops and information presentations for groups of young people, parents, family members, carers, and staff/service providers who work with young people. Our workshops and presentations have a health promotion and education focus.

If you would like us to present at your school, business or community event, please complete our request form, and email it to headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org.

Presentation request form

Please note: Our team cannot provide a combination of presentations however every presentation we offer has a brief introduction to headspace. 

To keep up to date with what's happening at headspace Mount Gambier please email your name to headspacemountgambier@unitingcommunities.org and we will add you to the mailing list for our quarterly online newsletter, as well as provide updates about upcoming events and activities. 

You can also follow us on social media:




For some of the services at headspace Mount Gambier, you need a Medicare card.

Most young people share a Medicare card with their family, but if you’re aged 15 or older, you can actually get your own Medicare card.

What you need to do:

1. Download and complete this "Application to copy or transfer from one Medicare card to another form". 

2. Submit the above form at The Department of Human Services Office in Mount Gambier (5 Percy Street, Mount Gambier) and bring either your:

  • birth certificate
  • current driver’s licence
  • current passport
  • non commemorative marriage certificate
  • current Australian school or educational photo ID, or
  • proof of age card

Once you get your Medicare card, create a Medicare online account through myGov and download the Express Plus Medicare mobile app to access a range of services using a secure digital channel.

We welcome anyone who would like to hold a fundraising event to raise awareness and funds for headspace Mount Gambier. From a BBQ to a concert, all levels of support are greatly appreciated.

Fundraising activities that have supported headspace in the past include:

Non-uniform days, charity auctions, movie nights, workplace raffles, concerts, BBQs, fun runs, green clothing days, cycling events, talent shows, quiz nights.

For more information or to discuss your idea, please contact us 8725 0443.