Kalgoorlie news
what's on at headspace Kalgoorlie in October
what's on at headspace Kalgoorlie this October ???????? Want to know more about a group or register for a spot in our groups this term? Call the office on 9021 5599 or pop in and see us at 48 Brookman St Level 1. This month: ????Love a game of DnD? Join us this Friday as a young local Dungeon Master hosts his first game at headspace Kalgoorlie! ????Join us this Mental Health Month at a Green Table Talk where all things mental health are on the table! ????Feeling stressed? Meet Comet the Rescue Greyhound and feel the calming power of being around a friendly pal! ????We're asking Can you Dig it?! In our new plant powered gardening group that teaches us to care for ourselves as we care for nature! ????Need support with getting a job or applying for a course? Find out how the Work & Study Team can help you at our Work & Study info sesh! Look forward to seeing you around the Centre this month - the headspace Kalgoorlie team -
Thanks headspace Kalgoorlie, for helping me secure employment.
headspace Kalgoorlie's Work & Study team -
Casual work leads to new confidence
Conflict at home and at school meant Chloe's* confidence was at an all time low when she walked into headspace Kalgoorlie. Our team helped get her back on track. -
Support outside the school system
When Amanda* walked into headspace Kalgoorlie, she looking for ways to build her independence and complete her secondary education. -
Youth Advisory Group "Crafternoon"
Youth Advisory Group "Crafternoon" -
Cuppa Care for Family and Friends
a catch-up on info, tips and tools to help you support young people -