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  • Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed


COVID-19 Update

The health & wellbeing of young people and their families is our top priority. Please contact us by phone for more information.

headspace Campbelltown provides information, support and services to young people aged 12-25, and their families and friends. We can help with mental health, general health, alcohol and other drug services as well as employment support. 

If you're 12-25 all you need to do is give us a call on (02) 4627 9089 or email us to find out how you can access our services FREE of charge. 

 Health Professionals, Support Officers and other Service Providers can refer you via our referral form.


  • Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

headspace Campbelltown is operated by One Door Mental Health. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, South Western Sydney (South Western Sydney PHN).


Nutrition screening, dietary assessment and education about food and lifestyle, also support around healthy eating strategies.

If you live near our headspace centre in a rural area but cannot travel in to see us, you can see our mental health workers online.

GPs can help with any physical health issues as well as issues related to sexual health, drug or alcohol use, relationship problems or feeling down or upset. Your centre may have a GP on site or links to one locally. 

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with any alcohol or other drug concern.

A group of young people who help with events and some decision making at a centre. Ask your centre about getting involved.

Get tips on how to prepare your resume and present for interviews. Find out about local employment opportunities (full time, part-time, or casual).

Mental health workers – which may include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other workers – that can help if you're just not feeling yourself.

Sexual health screenings on site or links to local services. 

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with work or study opportunities. 

Centres have a range of programs and activities for young people. Just ask your centre what they have on. 

“As soon as I sought help, I suddenly realised that my anxiety was very treatable and that I wasn’t alone.”
- Charlie

Jobs and volunteering

Positions currently available at headspace Campbelltown

headspace Campbelltown believes in providing young people with the opportunity to be heard, and actively involved in addressing the issues that are important to them.

As a member of the headspace Campbelltown Youth Reference Group (YRG)  you can do just this, by;

  • Working with at risk youth in the community
  • Planning and organising events
  • Developing and facilitating programs
  • Community Engagement
  • Youth & Community Development
  • Health Promotion

By getting involved you will get the opportunity to

  • Receive training about headspace and Mental Health & wellbeing.
  • Have your say on important issues and influence how headspace Campbelltown operates.
  • Meet and work with other young people who are passionate about youth and our community.
  • Learn and develop leadership and organizational skills.


For more information contact:

Name: Lilly Ma, Community Engagement and Development Officer
Phone: (02) 4627 9089

Psychologists in Private Practice

Multiple contracted positions available

Make a difference to young people, join one of Australia’s newest and most innovative Not for Profits.

headspace Campbelltown is looking for youth oriented and community focused Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists. You will work with the multidisciplinary team on site to provide early intervention and treatment for mental health and related problems in young people aged 12 -25 years and their families.

You will be making a major contribution to improving the mental health and wellbeing of young people. You will have access to extended consultation time and the multidisciplinary expertise available on site to achieve great health outcomes for clients. 

We’re very flexible so you get the best of both worlds; you can maintain your existing private or public work and provide contracted services to us for as little as 1 day a week. You should be be eligible to provide services under the Medicare Benefits Better Outcomes for Mental Health Initiative.

What we can offer:

  • Flexible working hours;
  • Full administration support including reception, billings & appointment bookings;
  • Fully computerised software with IT support;
  • Fully managed case co-ordination along with regular multi-disciplinary case reviews;
  • As well as on-going referrals of young people who have been assessed and are ready to receive services.

What we need from you:

  • A desire to make a difference in the lives of young people experiencing mental illness;
  • Full registration as a Psychologist or Clinical Psychologist;
  • Demonstrated experience providing clinical services  to young people aged 12 to 25 years old;
  • Eligibility to provide services under Medicare and be willing to Bulk Bill;
  • An ABN;
  • Personal Professional Indemnity Insurance;
  • Available at least 1-2 days per week.

Apply today by emailing Rafia Marsh, Centre Manager, on with a brief cover letter and your CV. 

Please see here for a copy of the position description.

For more information contact:

Name: headspace Campbelltown
Phone: (02) 4627 9089

headspace Campbelltown believes in providing the family and friends
of young people engaging with mental health services with the opportunity to be heard, and actively involved in addressing the issues that they believe are important to the young people they are supporting.

As a member of the headspace Campbelltown Friends and Family Reference Group (FFRG)  you can do just this, by;

  • Work with others to plan and run events and activities for young people in the
    Campbelltown area
  • Provide feedback and advice about how headspace Campbelltown works
  • Promote headspace Campbelltown and important youth issues
  • Give ideas and feedback for events, resources, policies and procedures
  • Learn new skills, experiences new things and build self confidence



For more information contact:

Name: Lilly Ma, Community Engagement and Development Officer
Phone: (02) 4627 9089

More information

Here at headspace Campbelltown, young people are our first priority. Our amazing team are skilled at helping you get back on track, and are here to make sure that you get the help you need when you're going through a tough time. 

We see many different young people come into headspace Campbelltown so it's important that we have a wide range of staff here to suit every need.

Our team includes:


Our friendly admin officer, Sarah, and practice coordinator, Kathy, are probably the first people you'll come into contact with when you call to make an appointment, or when you come into the Centre. They are here to help your experience at headspace Campbelltown work as smoothly as possible! 


Youth Access Clinicians

Our Youth Access Clinicians (YACs) are amazing! Vy, Hailey, Courtney, and Maddy  have a great set of ears and are ready to listen to your story. Your YAC will help guide you through your headspace journey, including helping you choose which is the best headspace service for you.


Holistic Youth Program (HYP)

Are you experiencing or at risk of developing more complex mental health difficulties? HYP provides medium term care with flexible session intervals and support from both a peer worker and a clinician. Our clinician Sandu and peer worker Anne provide holistic support depending on your individual needs.


Psychologists & Provisional Psychologists

It is important that a young person 'connects' with their psychologist. To help you find the right person to speak with, headspace Campbelltown has a diverse range of psychologists for young people to see. Our in-house clinician, Bilal helps young people develop tools and strategies to manage distress and change behaviour.


General Practioner (GP)

here to answer any questions you have regarding your physical or sexual health. Our GP Dr.Awais can also help with organising for you to see our Dietician Sally, or access telepsychiatry services.


Drug and Alcohol

Liz and Rose, our AOD clinicians, specialise in supporting young people who are having issues with drugs and alcohol.


Work and Study

headspace Work and Study team are available online. If you have questions around getting a job, negotiating the Centrelink system, or finding the right vocational/study course for you, you can book in to see one of their team. 


The Primary Care Eating Disorders Supports Program

are you a young person, aged 12 to 25, who has food-related anxiety, body image concerns or an eating disorder? We can provide you with  to a multidisciplinary team of professionals, in a group format and one on one. Our clinician Allison and Peer Worker Jayden  specialise in supporting young people experiencing concerns regarding eating and body image. As well as being able to link you in with our GP, Tele-Psychiatry and Dietician.


Youth Mental Health Interagency

headspace Campbelltown hosts the Youth Mental Health Interagency every week to work with us on a variety of projects and to help young people who need to be linked in with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Traxside Youth Health Services, or the Community Mental Health Team.


Community Development Officer

Lilly is our Community Development Officer. If you'd like headspace to come and present at your work or school or if you're hosting an event involving young people get in contact with Lilly on (02) 4627 9089 or


Contributing Consortium Members

Tracy | Mental Health Nurse

Sally | Dietician


Youth Reference Group

Our YRG is the voice of young people in our centre, and in the Campbelltown/Macarthur community. They are the face of headspace Campbelltown at events and out in the community, and all passionate about the health and well-being of young people! 


Family and Friends Reference Group

Our FFRG is the voice of family and friends in our centre, and in the Campbelltown/Macarthur community. They are the face of headspace Campbelltown at events and out in the community, and all passionate about the health and well-being of young people! 


If you'd like to know more about the services and people here at headspace Campbelltown please give us a call on (02) 4627 9089 or email us on

We are conveniently located 7 mins walk from Campbelltown Train Station and bus terminal. Just enter through Campbelltown City Center Arcade via Queen St Campbelltown. headspace Campbelltown is located on level 8 via the lifts which allow for wheelchair access. 

Ample parking is available behind the building, in Milgate Lane Carpark.

  queen st entry4


All services at headspace Campbelltown are free of charge.

Our Centre has a number of health providers who work under the Medicare system which means that to see our GP, Dietician and Pyschologists we need your Medicare card.

All visits to the GP are bulk billed and up 10 sessions per calendar year with a Psychologist can also be Medicare bulk billed under a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP).

Visits to the Dietitian are part of an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC), which you can obtain from the GP and can also be bulk billed under Medicare.

At headspace Campbelltown we can provide a range of different presentations and or workshops to school students, teachers, parents, carers, local community groups and organisations.

headspace Campbelltown would like to ensure, that as a service we are meeting the needs of schools in the area as well as promoting a whole school approach to mental health. We can deliver one off presentations or longer programs developed in conjunction with your school or community organisation. 

Our workshops are of a general nature and have a health promotion and education focus. We deliver these workshops to promote positive mental health and well being and encourage young people to do the same. If you would like information on a specific medical or therapeutic focus please inform us.

Some of the topics headspace Campbelltown can deliver workshops on include: -

  • Maintaining a healthy headspace
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Healthy relationships
  • Bullying and social media.

If you would like us to present a topic at your school, community group or organisation, please contact our community development worker Charishma Kaliyanda or phone on (02) 4627 9089.

headspace Campbelltown provides a range of specialist services, these services include:-

  • General Practitioner (GP) The service is bulk billed. Please bring your Medicare card to the appointment.
  • Accredited mental health nurse
  • Dietitian The service is bulk billed so please bring your Medicare card to the appointment.
  • Drug and Alcohol specific counsellor through the headfyrst program
  • Psychologists.

To access these services please speak with your Youth Access Clinician who will arrange these appointments for you.

To contact us, please phone (02) 4627 9089.

All of headspace Campbelltown services are free - but for some services you need a Medicare card.

If you do not have a Medicare card you can apply on the Services Australia page here.

If you are ineligible to apply for a Medicare Card give us a call anyway to discuss options!

If you are a service provider or school counsellor who would like to refer a young person to headspace Campbelltown we ask that you fill out our referral form.

This information will assist us in getting the young person the right help they need more quickly.

Please fax the completed form to 02 8823 1833 or email it to us.

If you require any assistance, please contact our Administration staff on 02 4627 9089.