workplace giving
Learn how your organisation can make a difference today
Why choose workplace giving?
With workplace giving, you can get the best value out of your donation. Not only can you reduce your taxable income when you set up regular payments through your payroll salary, but companies can choose to match your donations – instantly doubling your impact!
Your donation will help improve the lives of millions of young Australians. With two in five young people experiencing a mental health issue each year, every dollar helps headspace to fulfil its mission of supporting young people to live mentally healthy and engaged lives.
How your workplaces can get involved
Introducing a workplace giving program to your organisation is an easy way to engage your employees and show your commitment and support for youth mental health. Staff can decide how much they give each pay, and donations are made pre-tax, reducing your employee’s taxable income. By matching employee donations, you can double the impact your corporate giving will make.
To find out more about the benefits of workplace giving, contact or register your interest via the form below:

What is your impact?
Each year, two in five young people experience a mental health issue, and 75 per cent of mental health disorders emerge before a person turns 25. Sadly, suicide is still the leading cause of death for young people in Australia.
Funds donated to headspace contribute to priority projects which play a critical role in growing our reach and impact. These include helping headspace pilot and scale programs, increase our service delivery, provide enhanced support for family and friends of young people, and ensure that young people can access the right support, when they need it and how they want it.
By supporting headspace, you are joining a passionate community of dedicated to building brighter futures for young people.
Find out more about how your support makes a difference.
Workplace giving resources
Download the below resources to share with your staff and networks.
Download our workplace giving social media tiles to promote across your socials:
1. Sign Up
2. Donor Impact
3. Thank You
Get in touch
To learn more about how to set up workplace giving, get in touch with our friendly team at