Business Supporters

headspace is grateful for businesses who help us reach young Australians with mental health and wellbeing support

There are many ways businesses can get involved with headspace and support the work we do. We are so fortunate to work with wonderful organisations that find new and innovative ways to engage their staff and customers and raise funds for headspace. Find out the ways your workplace can get involved below. 

If you already have a great idea and are ready to get started, get in touch with our team by submitting an enquiry.  


make a donation BS

Make a corporate donation 

You can make a donation directly to headspace, either online or by contacting our team

 Make a donation

Business Supporters fundraising

Workplace fundraising 

Asking your staff or customers to donate is a great way to raise funds and support the work we do. In the workplace, you could hold a morning tea, raffle, bake sale, or staff barbeque and donate the proceeds to headspace. 

If you're a business that has the capability to ask your customers or clients to contribute, you could donate a percentage of sales/proceeds or have the option to round up at your point of sale. 

You can also find out more information by downloading the headspace workplace fundraising toolkit.

Get started 

Workplace giving BS

Workplace Giving

Introducing a workplace giving program to your organisation is an easy way to engage your employees and show your commitment and support for headspace. Donations are made pre-tax, reducing your employee’s taxable income and your staff can control how much they give each pay. You may also consider matching your employee donations, which doubles the impact your organisation will make. 

Find out more

Skilled Volunteering BS

Career Mentoring

headspace offers skilled volunteering opportunities for corporate organisations through the headspace Career Mentoring Program. Find out how you can improve mental health and career outcomes for young people by emailing

Find out more

Get in touch 

If you would like to support the work of headspace in any of these ways, or if you have another fabulous idea, please submit an enquiry and one of our team will be in touch. 

Make an enquiry