On Friday the 5th of April, our Work and Study teams from headspace Meadowbrook and headspace Ipswich successfully hosted a Careers Expo!
Despite the rainy weather, the event was a huge success, providing valuable information for the young attendees from our Work and Study programs, the local community and local flexi schools.
The Work and Study team thoughtfully curated the event with over 20 stallholders from local employers, training organisations, and skills development providers, including reputable companies such as McDonald's, Bunnings Warehouse, AtWork Australia, TAFE Queensland, Griffith University, Programmed and more. Young attendees were encouraged to refine their conversation skills and have meaningful conversations with the stallholders with conversation stamp cards.
We've received some really positive feedback from parents and young people who attended. They shared their gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to engage with stallholders. The interactions provided a valuable opportunity for young attendees to boost their confidence when speaking to potential employers and learn about career paths and training opportunities available to them. Likewise, the organisations that attended with stalls spoke very highly of the event. Our Work and Study team have said they were heartened to see even their shyest young people able to find their confidence in speaking to employers.
On top of the positive feedback from stallholders and young people, we’ve already had some success stories from our Careers Expo.
One young person, from our headspace Work & Study program made a great connection with Substation33 and their PowerWells initiative. This young person has been wanting to get into IT and is very interested in the work they do. They have already been over for a site visit with one of our vocational specialists and he is excitedly working towards getting his licence in preparation for commencing work experience through their program.
PCYC have also shared with our team that they’ve had a young person who attended the Expo sign-up for their 10-week Get Set for Work Program.
The event followed headspace Work and Study Month and provided a safe and supportive environment for career exploration.
We hope to see something similar on the calendar for next year!

headspace Meadowbrook Work and Study Team

headspace Ipswich Work and Study Team

headspace Careers Expo 2024