headspace Mackay offers FREE confidential counselling services for young people aged 12 - 25 across Mackay region.
We are an inclusive service that does not discriminate regardless of age, race, cultural background, religion, sexual orientation, gender or disability. We are about making sure young people have the best support, information, and services for their health and wellbeing including physical health, mental health, drug and alcohol issues, employment, and education support.
Call us, drop into the centre during opening hours, or email using the button below!
If you would like to make a referral, you can do so by downloading our referral below:
- Monday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
headspace Mackay is operated by North and West Remote Health. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, North Queensland Primary Health Limited.
Get tips on how to prepare your resume and present for interviews. Find out about local employment opportunities (full time, part-time, or casual).
Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with any alcohol or other drug concern.
Centres have a range of programs and activities for young people. Just ask your centre what they have on.
Mental health workers – which may include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other workers – that can help if you're just not feeling yourself.
A group of young people who help with events and some decision making at a centre. Ask your centre about getting involved.
Media gallery
Jobs and volunteering
Positions currently available at headspace Mackay
headspace Mackay - Volunteers
- Volunteer positions available within headspace Mackay's Youth Reference Group (YRG) - young people aged 14-25
For more information contact:
Name: Volunteers for Youth Reference Group
Phone: (07) 4898 2200
Email: youthandcommunitymackay@nwrh.com.au
More information
How do I refer a young person to headspace?
If you are aged 12 - 25 years, you can make a referral by contacting us on 07 4898 2200 or email us to request a referral form on Mackayheadspace@nwrh.com.au
Family, Carers & Friends
Family, carers, and friends are welcome to refer on behalf of a young person with their consent. You can do this by contacting us on 07 4898 2200.
General Practitioners, Service Providers & Schools
With the young person's consent, please complete our referral form (located in the "about" section) and email to Mackayheadspace@nwrh.com.au.
If the young person is eligible for a mental health care plan, please attach this to the referral form however please note this is not a requirement to access our services.
Please also see our registration pack here.
If you are aged 12 - 25 there is no wrong way to access headspace Mackay. You can call the Centre, drop in during open hours or talk to your doctor about a referral.
If you're not able to phone us, or if you don't feel comfortable, you can email Mackayheadspace@nwrh.com.au with your contact details and a headspace Mackay team member will get back to you either by phone or email. You can also contact eheadspace, a free online and phone support service for young people, on 1800 650 890 or visit eheadspace to have a confidential chat online.
If you are in crisis, please contact emergency services:
24hr Mental Health Access Line (Qld health) - 1300 642 255
Suicide Support Service - 1800 859 585
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
Kids Help Line - 1800 55 1800
Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14
If you are waiting for an appointment or want to access alternative supports now, please check out the services below:
Counselling Services
eheadspace - Free, confidential, over the phone or online counselling service provided by headspace. Available 9am-1am (Melbourne time) 7 days a week for a 1-on-1 chat with a trained clinician. 1800 650 890 or eheadspace
Mental Health Access Line - A confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders. 1300 MH CALL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link to the caller’s nearest Queensland Public Mental Health service. Call 1300 642 255
Lifeline - 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services via phone, text or online services. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or visit Lifeline Crisis Online Chat Service | Lifeline Australia
13YARN - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders crisis support line. Available 24/7. No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn. Call 13 92 76.
Kids Helpline - Free, private, and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years. 1800 55 1800 or kidshelpline.com.au
Beyond Blue - If you’re going through a hard time right now, the Beyond Blue Support Service is available 24/7 for brief counselling. Most calls last around 20 minutes. Get free, confidential counselling over the phone or online support. 1300 224 636 or Get mental health support - Beyond Blue
Suicide Callback Service - Free counselling for suicide prevention & mental health via telephone, online & video for anyone affected by suicidal thoughts, 24/7. Call 1300 659 467 or visit Phone and Online Counselling | Suicide Call Back Service
1800 Respect - 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Call 1800 737 732
QLife - provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Via phone or webchat, 3pm - midnight daily. Call 1800 184 527 or visit Chat (qlife.org.au)
Canteen - Free and confidential counselling services for young people aged 12-25 affected by cancer. Counsellors are available for webchat via canteenconnect.org.au or parentingthroughcancer.org.au, 10am-8pm Monday- Thursday, 10am-6pm Friday and 11am-5pm Saturday (AEST). Call 1800 835 932 or visit Counselling and Individual Support Services | Canteen Australia
Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling Service - national, free and confidential counselling service that specialises in helping veterans and their families 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Call 1800 011 046 or visit Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling
Counselling Online - Alcohol and other drug support and chat counselling. Confidential, free and available 24/7. Visit Counselling Online - free drug and alcohol counselling in Australia
The Butterfly Foundation - Telephone and web-based counselling, information and support for people experiencing eating disorders https://butterfly.org.au/
Websites and Resources
ReachOut - Online resources and support for young people under 25 going through a tough time. au.reachout.com
Head to Health - Wherever you are on your mental health journey, Head to Health is here to help you find the information, resources, and services that most suit your needs. headtohealth.gov.au
Hello Sunday Morning - Website and app that support young people cutting back or taking a break from alcohol. hellosundaymorning.org
The Brave Program - Online program to support young people aged 8-17 with anxiety. brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au/
Clear Your Vision - Online program to support young people to reduce their cannabis use. cannabissupport.com.au/treatment/tools-to-quit/clear-your-vision
Mood Gym - A free self-help program that teaches cognitive behavioural skills to help prevent and manage symptoms related to anxiety and depression https://moodgym.com.au/
Act, Belong, Commit - An online campaign and app encouraging people to promote their own mental wellbeing by being active, connecting with others and creating purpose in their life. https://www.actbelongcommit.org.au/
Breakup Shakeup - App that supports young people going through a relationship break up. iTunes.apple.com/au/app/breakup-shakeup/id1017200579?mt=8
BeyondNow App - This is a safely planning app that you can work through if you're having thoughts of suicide. beyondblue.org.au/get-support/beyondnow-suicide-safety-planning
Calm Harm - App to provide tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. Home - Calm Harm App
Headgear - Free, easy-to-use app that guides you through a 30-day mental fitness challenge designed to build resilience and wellbeing. HeadGear - Black Dog Institute
iBobbly - A social and emotional wellbeing self-help app for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 15 and over. iBobbly app for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders - Black Dog Institute
Mindshift CBT - Free - Free self-help anxiety relief app to reduce worry, stress and panic by following evidence-based strategies. MindShift CBT - Anxiety Relief on the App Store (apple.com)
Smiling Minds - A website and app teaching Mindfulness Meditation to young people (7-22 years), and adults https://smilingmind.com.au/
Access: Our Centre is located on level 2 at 123 Victoria Street and is accessible via lift or stairs.
Amenities: There are public restrooms located on each floor of the building as well as an accessible toilet on the ground floor and within our centre.
Parking: Limited 30 minute and 2-hour street parking is available on Victoria, Macalister and Gregory Streets.
Alternatively, there is paid parking located close by on both Gregory and River Streets via the "Mackay Parking" app.
Public Transport: There is a convenient bus stop located on Gregory Street at the back of our centre, or the next closest bus stop is Caneland Central Shopping Centre (about a 10-15 minute walk).
Plan your trip at: Journey planner | Translink
Satellite Service
headspace Mackay has a satellite service located in Sarina!
You will receive the same welcoming, supportive, and youth-friendly vibe from our team in Sarina.
All services are free for young people aged 12-25 years. We can help if you’re experiencing changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviours, or just not feeling yourself.
headspace Sarina can also help if you:
- are feeling down, stressed or worried a lot of the time
- want to talk about relationships
- want to talk about sexuality or gender identity
- are having difficulty with family or friends
- have been bullied, hurt, or harassed
- just aren’t feeling yourself.
-headspace Sarina services are by appointment only and can be accessed by face-to-face, phone or telehealth.
1/71 Broad Street (Colonial Shopping Centre) Sarina QLD 4737
Open Days and Times:
Monday - Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
*Please note the phone lines are open 8:30am-4:00pm
Thursday - Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Contact Details:
Phone: (07) 4842 6750
Email: Sarinaheadspace@nwrh.com.au
More Information:
Satellite Service
headspace Mackay has a satellite service located in the Whitsundays!
You will receive the same welcoming, supportive and youth-friendly vibe from our team in Proserpine.
All services are free for young people aged 12-25 years. We can help if you’re experiencing changes in thoughts, feelings or behaviours, or just not feeling yourself.
headspace Whitsundays can also help if you:
- are feeling down, stressed or worried a lot of the time
- want to talk about relationships
- want to talk about sexuality or gender identity
- are having difficulty with family or friends
- have been bullied, hurt or harassed
- just aren’t feeling yourself.
-headspace Whitsundays services are by appointment only and can be accessed by face-to-face, phone or telehealth.
41 Main Street Proserpine QLD 4800
Open Days and Times:
Monday - Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
*Please note the phone lines are open 8:30am-4:00pm
Thursday - Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Contact Details:
Phone: (07) 4842 6760
Email: Whitsundaysheadspace@nwrh.com.au
More Information:
Do you need help with looking for a job? Or support in starting a career? Or advice on study options?
No matter where you're at, headspace Work & Study is here to help you.
We offer different ways of helping because we want you to choose which works best for you. It doesn't matter who you are or where you live. We're here for you. Everything is private and confidential, and there's absolutely no cost.
We can help you with:
- Looking for and applying for jobs
- Writing a resume and cover letter
- Preparing for a job interview
- Exploring your study options
- Enrolling in study
- Navigating community support services such as the Centrelink system
- Understanding your workplace rights
- Transitioning into a new job or course
- Balancing your mental health and wellbeing with work or study
In Centre Support:
If you're aged between 14 and 25 and currently receiving or seeking support for your mental health through headspace Mackay, our in centre Vocational Specialists are here to help! This program uses the internationally recognised Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model, we provide in person, one-on-one support for your work and study goals. Our team know what's happening locally, they can help you with study options and finding a job in the area. Our specialists will collaborate with your mental health clinician to ensure all the support you receive helps you achieve your goals. Speak to your clinician about a referral to the Work and Study Program.
Online Support:
If you're not accessing headspace or not yet ready to seek support for your mental health but still want help with your work and study goals, you can access our free online support service. Connect online with one of our career specialists, join group chats and get matched with an industry mentor online. Call 1800 810 794 or visit Work and study support | headspace for more information.
headspace Services:
Information sheets:
Alcohol and other drugs
Bipolar Disorder
Dealing with relationship breakups
Eating Disorders
Getting help from a GP
Healthy gaming
Healthy romantic relationships
Sex and sexual health
Sexual consent
Supporting Family or Friends:
Create connections
Helping a friend going through a tough time
Overview of mental health for family and friends
Starting a conversation with a young person about mental health
What are mental health difficulties and when to seek help
Understanding gender identity
Understanding your sexuality and diverse sexual identity
Translated Resources:
headspace flyer - multi language
Anxiety - Chinese
Depression - Chinese
Parents and Carers - Chinese
Tips for a healthy headspace - Chinese
Resources for health professionals
Read research and information summaries about the prevalence, onset, risk factors, assessment, and treatment for common mental health issues in young people, as well as finding clinical practice guidelines. Access printable fact sheets to share with young people and family and friends supporting young people.
Online Resources; headspace Group Chats
headspace run frequent online group chats for young people and their family/supports on a variety of different topics. Young people can join in these conversations and ask questions or simply just sit in and listen.
Ongoing weekly peer support chats:
To access ongoing weekly chats, you will need to sign up to Online Communities.
- navigating relationships: every Monday at 6–10pm AEST
- qheadspace: every Tuesday at 6–10pm AEST
- general coping: every Wednesday 6–10pm AEST
- yarnspace: fortnightly Thursdays 6-10pm AEST supporting others: fortnightly Thursdays 6-10pm AES
As well as one-on-one sessions, we also offer a range of group activities/programs each month. Stayed tuned as they change monthly! Follow us on Instagram below for updates and dates!
what's on?
If you would like to join any of our social groups or find out more contact our Youth and Community Team or call 07 4898 2200
The staff at headspace Mackay are youth health professionals who can help
you deal with your concerns in a confidential, non-judgemental environment.
Management Team
Carmen - Centre Manager
Amy - Clinical Lead
Alanna - Clinical Lead
Administration Team
Jonathan- Administration Coordinator
Ashlea- Clinical Receptionist
Janelle - Senior Mental Health Clinician (Trauma Program)
Carla - Senior Mental Health Clinician (Trauma Program)
Terri - Senior Mental Health Clinician (Intake/Brief Intervention Youth Mental Health)
Kacie - Youth Access Clinician (Intake/Brief Intervention Youth Mental Health)
Jo-Anne - Youth Access Clinician (Intake/Brief Intervention Youth Mental Health)
Sara - Youth Access Clinician (Intake/Brief Intervention Youth Mental Health
Audrey - Youth Access Clinician (Intake/Brief Intervention Youth Mental Health)
Work and Study
Tash - Vocational Specialist
Jasmine - Vocational Specialist
Youth and Community Outreach
Ricky - Youth and Community Case Manager
Are you aged between 14 and 25 and live in Mackay or surrounds? Do you have something to say about health, mental health, and drug and alcohol issues?
We want you to apply if:
- You feel passionate about and are interested in mental health issues
- You have had lived experience of mental health issues, know someone who has/had mental health issues
- You have a friend or family member who has/had a mental illness or drug addition
To be fully representative of our local youth, the voices of First Nations young people, young people from diverse cultural backgrounds, young people from rural and remote areas, LGBTQIA+ identifying, and young people who have been homeless are encouraged to apply.
By getting involved you will:
- Have the opportunity to have your say and influence youth mental health services in Mackay
- Develop new skills, meet new people
- Meet and work with other young people who are passionate about mental health
- Make a difference to youth mental health in your community
How do I get involved?
Email our Youth and Community Team using the button below:
headspace Mackay receives a large number of requests from the community, yet we have very limited resources. Therefore, we must prioritise requests according to the areas of greatest need, staff availability, demand, and fair and equitable coverage of the local community.
Priority is given to the following local organisations:
- Schools & education providers
- Our partner organisations
- Community organisations, charities, and not-for-profits with a youth and/or mental health focus
- Family & Carer support organisations
Requests from other organisations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We are unfortunately not able to fulfil all requests. Allowing at least 4 weeks' notice will increase the likelihood of us being able to fulfil your request.
To request a presentation, please contact youthandcommunitymackay@nwrh.com.au
Once you have submitted your form our team will review the request and aim to respond within 5 working days.
headspace Family and Friends Reference Group
The Family and Friends Reference Group (FFRG) consists of a diverse group of people with lived experience of supporting a family member or friend who has accessed mental health services or experienced mental ill-health. They are dedicated community volunteers passionate about improving social and emotional wellbeing outcomes for our local youth and consult with headspace Mackay on a variety of topics and issues to ensure our services take a holistic and youth friendly approach.
Are you aged 26 and above and want to get involved?
By getting involved you will:
- Give feedback and have your say to improve headspace programs and services
- Be involved in local projects and events to fundraise and improve community awareness of headspace services
- Participate in media opportunities to be a spokesperson for headspace Mackay
- Develop new skills, meet new people
- Assist the Centre to develop resources, programs, and policies
- Advocate for local youth and the involvement of family and friends in their care
headspace encourages representation from a variety of community members including a mix of ages and genders, those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, representation from Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, families, friends, and those from both regional and rural areas including the Mackay, Sarina and Whitsundays regions.
If you are interested in joining the headspace Family & Friends Reference Group, please feel free to call us on 4898 2200 or email Mackayheadspace@nwrh.com.au and request an application form.
headspace Mackay Consortium
The headspace Mackay Consortium consists of representatives from a range of youth, mental health and/or health related services within the local community which are signatory to a Memorandum of Understanding, plus an Independent Chairperson appointed by the lead agency North and West Remote Health. The purpose of the Consortium is to ensure an integrated, holistic approach to local service delivery, and to ensure the specific needs of their community are met. The Consortium is important to the development and establishment of a headspace service as it provides opportunities to develop a collaborative network of services in the local community.
We are so grateful to be supported by such an amazing community.
Fundraisers and donations assist us to raise awareness and educate the community on mental health and wellbeing. They also help us to improve our centre helping to make sure young people have a positive experience when they visit us.
If you would like to organise a fundraiser for headspace Mackay, please contact our Youth and Community Team at youthandcommunitymackay@nwrh.com.au or on (07) 4898 2200
If you would like to make a donation to headspace Mackay, please contact our centre on (07) 4898 2200 or send an email to youthandcommunitymackay@nwrh.com.au
All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please let us know if you require a receipt for your donation.