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Who are you?
I'm a young person
I'm supporting a young person
I'm an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
I'm an educator
I'm a health professional
I'm an employer
Our services
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Online & phone support
Work & study support
headspace work and study Programs support young people with everything education and employment related. From finding your first job to deciding what to study, we can help.
Early psychosis program
Support for family
Family can provide vital support for young people when they are having a tough time. headspace is here to help support you through these challenges and transitions.
Support for professionals & educators
Online & phone support
Online & phone support
Why create an account?
Creating an account is quick, easy, and gives you the choice to access a range of features available from headspace.
Chat with a clinician
Join the online community
A community Group Chat session is your opportunity to speak anonymously online to our mental health professionals and hear from others about a topic that will be discussed.
Interactive tools
Our interactive tools are designed to increase mental health literacy and encourage self-reflection and positive behaviour change.
Self-help information
For professionals & educators
For educators
Be You
Programs in school communities
Programs in universities
The University Support Program provides training and education opportunities to Australian universities to build their capacity and confidence to engage in conversations about mental health and wellbeing within their communities.
For health professionals
Online training
Free accredited online training modules for GPs and allied health professionals.
For employers
Mental health at work
About us
Our organisation
Who we are
Our services
Our people
Because of our people, headspace remains a truly great place to work. Information about our Board, Executive team, Reference groups and careers.
Our partners
Media releases & news
Our impact
Our research & reports
Our strategy
Ensuring all young people are supported to be mentally healthy and engaged in their communities.
Our campaigns
Get involved
Graduate program
Are you a social worker, occupational therapist or psychologist and are looking for a graduate role working with passionate people?
Become a headspace GP
Become an eheadspace clinician
Are you a mental health clinician who wants to make a real difference to the lives of young people? Then there’s a place for you here at headspace. eheadspace clinicians work with young people aged 12-25, providing evidence-based mental health treatments via our online and telephone services.
Volunteering & youth participation
Get involved with headspace through a variety of volunteering opportunities, work experience, placements or through youth participation.
Supporting headspace
How your support makes a difference
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Fundraise for us
There are many ways you can fundraise and make a difference in the lives of young people.
Corporate partnerships
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Art Showcase for February
02 Feb 2023
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Art Showcase for February
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