so you've been diagnosed with COVID-19, now what?

07 Jan 2022

Managing COVID-19 in our communities

If you, or someone close to you has recently been diagnosed with COVID-19, it may come as a bit of a shock. Feelings like stress and worry are possibly going to be heightened and then comes the question of, “well what now?”, apart from the need to stay home, isolate and minimise the spread of the virus we have found some useful resources and articles that might be helpful for you or people around you right now.

This information is intended for information sharing purposes only, we encourage individuals who are unwell to seek advice from medical professionals or state wide support services. We acknowledge that information is changing rapidly, and encourage you follow the current advice from State Government sources which are linked at the bottom of this page.


What to do if you test positive for COVID-19?

The State Government of Victoria have advised confirmed cases to follow these 5 steps

  1. Focus on your health and get help if you need it
  2. Report your result and immediately isolate for 7 days
  3. Tell your household and household-like contacts – they must also isolate for 7 days
  4. Tell your ‘social contacts’ to get tested if they have symptoms
  5. Tell your workplace and/or education facility

For further information on the above checklist, head to the Coronavirus page here.


Managing COVID-19 at home with assistance from your GP

This is a guide developed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), it is free resource that is intended to support management of COVID-19 with your GP. It is available for download at the link here.

This updated resource provides key information for patients who have tested positive to COVID-19 and are being cared for at home with assistance from their GP, including:

·        how to stay safe while isolating at home with COVID-19

·        how to check their oxygen, heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature

·        what to do at the end of their isolation period

·        an action plan that can developed with their GP

·        a daily symptom diary they can complete and discuss with their GP during telehealth consults.



Managing your mental health when you have COVID-19

Beyond Blue’s Lead Clinical Advisor, Dr Grant Blashki, looks at how you can support your mental health if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Realising that you have COVID-19 may come as something of a shock and having it is likely to bring further stress and worry to an already challenging experience.

Statistics tell us that for many, the illness will be self-limiting and most of these cases can be managed at home as they clear the virus. It’s nonetheless important to acknowledge the wide range of severity associated with COVID-19, from minor symptoms through to a serious condition requiring hospital or intensive care.

While your physical health and doing what you can to minimise your chances of spreading the virus are critical, it’s equally important to manage your mental health throughout your experience of the illness.

The article is available online here.


How to cope with stress related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The linked article here shared by headspace national has been developed for young people who may be experiencing heightened levels of stress related to COVID-19. It outlines things that might be helpful to manage any changes to daily life, such as staying connected to family and friends/loved ones and it can be read here.

Who can I talk to now?

There is always support available.

These services listed below cannot provide emergency support. If you are in an emergency or at immediate risk of harm to yourself for others people, contact emergency services on 000

To talk to someone now, call:


You can chat privately with our professional counsellors over the phone or webchat, seven days a week between 9am – 1am (AEDT).

Phone 1800 650 890

Chat online or email a clinician here

Kids Helpline 

Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, this service can be accessed by phone or webchat

Phone 1800 551 800

Beyond Blue Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service

Phone 1800 512 348

Chat online here  

Access the online forum “Coping during the coronavirus” here 

Please note: some of these services may be experiencing longer than normal wait times, please head to their webpages for up to date information.



State Government of Victoria - Coronavirus Information:

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners - Managing COVID-19 at home with assistance from your GP guide:

Beyond Blue - Managing your mental health when you have COVID-19:

headspace National - stress related to COVID-19:

Kids helpline - your guide to everything COVID-19: