headspace Forum 2022 - When Opportunity Knocks

01 Dec 2022

This week headspace Caboolture's Youth and Community Engagement Officer Jaz, Clinical Lead Alex and Youth Reference Group Members Liam and Ash attended the headspace National Forum in Melbourne. During this forum we were able to network with centers across Australia, share ideas, discuss challenges we face and be inspired by the lived experience stories from young people, headspace National staff and keynote speakers. 

One project that each centre had to complete was a showcase board that reflects the year of 2022 in our communities (Picture of our showcase board is Pic 3 below). Our YRG brainstormed this showcase board 2 months before the forum. Our Centre's showcase displayed a carpet snake that turned into a rainbow serpent as Caboolture is 'The home of the carpet snake'. The Aboriginal artwork was completed voluntarily by Gungarri and Manandanjj young person Matyniah Fullagar and Brail for the showcase was provided by the students at Caboolture State High School. Special acknowledgement to those community members who dedicated their time to help set up our board. 

Our 2022 events that were showcased were: 

  • 3x3 NAIDOC B-Ball Knockouts 
  • Survival Day Event - Weaving with Tysha 
  • headspace Day at Lee Street Special School 

Reflecting back on the challenging year 2022 has been (COVID lockdowns, floods etc.) the heart of headspace has always been our young people and their family and friends. We are excited for the year 2023!