headspace Bunbury is so excited to announce the new IPS program coming to our centre!
IPS stands for Individual Placement and Support. The IPS program is an evidence-based supported employment practice that helps young people with mental health difficulties to work in regular jobs in relation to their work preferences.
Chloe and Doreen are our amazing Vocational Specialists (Pictured Right) who are eager to support young people in finding their dream jobs!
This Program is such an exciting additional to our service to help young people find competitive employment within our community and also for our Vocational Specialists to be able to support local employers and education them on young people and mental health for them to better equipped to support their workers.
If you are a young person aged 15 to 25 years old and are currently getting mental health support for headspace Bunbury - then this could be for you! If you are looking or thinking about employment, chat to your mental health worker today about IPS.
Check out this article in the Bunbury Mail about our new program Click Here.