headspace Bunbury are looking for brand new members to join our exciting family and friends reference group for 2021.
Are you a friend or family member of a young person who has experienced difficult times?
Do you have an interest/passion for mental health and other youth related issues?
Being part of the F & F reference group is an opportunity to have your say and get involved in
the work of headspace Bunbury.
It is designed to give a voice to family and friends of young people aged 12 - 25 years old who have experienced mental health concerns.
The group will guide our service to ensure that young people are supported by their families, friends and community.
As part of this group you will be provided with free training opportunities and provided with gift vouchers after attending 3 meetings.
Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month from 3.30pm to 4.30pm at headspace Bunbury (8 Spencer Street Bunbury). Tea, coffee and food are provided.