Homelessness Prevention Week is an annual week coordinated by Homelessness Australia to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness, the issues they face and the action needed to achieve enduring solutions.
In 2018, Homelessness Prevention Week was the 6-12 August with a theme “Ending homelessness together’’.
The team at headspace Bairnsdale invited staff from Nungurra, Gippsland Lakes Community Health, Community Housing, Quantum and Victoria Police to attend a morning tea to celebrate Homelessness Prevention Week.
The morning tea was well attended and provided a great opportunity for local services to reconnect and to discuss and share ideas about youth homelessness and the ways we can work together to solve this issue in our local community.
Pictured L-R: Richard (Nungurra), Nick (Nungurra), Jake and Cate (headspace Bairnsdale)