headspace work and study support

If you're a young person looking for support to reach your work and study goals, headspace offers tailored 1-on-1 support, online resources and group chats.

we can help you get to
where you want to go

Do you need help with looking for a job? Support in starting a career? Or advice on study options?
Through the headspace National Youth Mental Health Survey, we found only 54 per cent of young people felt confident in applying for a job. We offer 1-on-1 support to help you feel more confident and reach your work and study goals, with 90% of young people saying they’ve benefited from our Work & Study program.

How to access 1-on-1 work and study support

We offer three different services because we want you to choose which works best for you. All services are private and confidential, and there's absolutely no cost.
centre support
In person, tailored 1-on-1 support with a Work and Study Specialist, who will work with you and your mental health clinician to help you reach your goals. Offered in over 50 headspace centres nationally. Available for 12–25-year-olds.
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online support
Tailored 1-on-1 online support with a Work and Study Specialist to help figure out your goals and how to reach them, no matter where you are in your work and study journey. Connect via video calls, webchat or phone. Available for 15–25-year-olds.
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career mentoring
Kick start your career with online support from a volunteer Career Mentor. You'll be matched based on your career interests and goals and a mentor's professional experience. Connect 1-on-1 through video call. Available for 18–25-year-olds.
Learn More

Help us find the right online service for you

Whatever your work or study goals, we've got a program that's right for you, with 86% of young people saying they would recommend headspace Work & Study to their peers. Find out more about our online support with a Work & Study Specialist or a Career Mentor.

Get started

Are you supporting a young person who needs help with work and study?

If you know someone who could benefit from our services get in touch with us today. Call 1800 810 794





Work and study online resources

Whether you're participating in a tailored support service or just looking for help without the commitment of 1-on-1 sessions; we offer peer group chats, professional led chats and a range of online articles to help you reach your work and study goals.
Peer group chat
Join our fortnightly peer group chat, every second Thursday. 6.30-9.45pm AEDT. Hosted by trained peer moderators, we'll chat about anything work and study related, like resumes, interviews and study habits.
Join the Work and Study peer group chat
Professional led group chat
We offer monthly chats hosted by Work and Study Specialists and guests to talk about a specific topic related work and study or general life skills. Submit questions in advance or ask during that chat.
Learn more and register for the next chat
Online resources
We have a range of articles and interactive activities to help you write your resume, prepare for job interviews, starting a new job or exams, manage work or study related stress and anxiety, and more.
Check out our library of articles