Operation Defrost

Operation Defrost is a series of workshops facilitated by headspace, where young people who have been impacted by substance abuse are invited to share their personal experiences. From there, they are supported by the South Australian Writers Centre to get their stories onto paper and a prominent local artist will assist the young people to create artwork. A book is produced from the stories and artwork of the participants.

In regional areas there is a significant lack of services available for people affected by ice use, and even less for affected family members. By bringing these young people together in a supportive environment they will know that they are not alone. The book will be distributed as an important resource for other young people struggling with family drug use, as well as a tool to educate the community about the impact of ice.

Youth participation is an integral element of the headspace model, and the Mount Gambier team jumped at the chance to implement a youth-designed project. headspace has secured substantial community support and will work closely with a range of agencies, groups and individuals to successfully deliver Operation Defrost.