Midsumma Pride March

headspace was proud to be a part of yesterday’s Midsumma Festival Pride March. It was a fun-filled, fantastic and vibrant day with about 50 young people and staff from headspace National Office and Victorian headspace centres taking part.

This year was our best turn out at the Victorian Pride March yet, including the biggest crowd the event as ever had since its inception in 1998 with over 40,000 people either in the parade or supporting from the side.

Photo 5  Photo 11  Photo 9

Take a look at the news stories below that feature headspace and many other proud marchers!


http://www.sbs.com.au/news/video/865188419576/SBS-World-News-29-January-630-part-2 story starts at 16.20 

http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/abc-news-sunday-vic/NN1715V005S00#playing story starts at 24.40

A special thank you to all the volunteers that took part and cheered on headspace!

If you are a young person who's going through a tough time, please reach out to us at one of the many headspace centres nationwide or online/phone at eheadspace.org.au.

PRIDE march 2017