headspace welcomes funding to support same sex attracted young people
National Youth Mental Health Foundation, headspace, has welcomed the Victorian Government's budget announcement of a $3.6 million youth suicide community support program aimed at reducing suicides amongst same sex attracted young people.
The CEO of headspace, Mr Chris Tanti, said suicide is one of the most significant issues facing our young people today.
"Those aged between 15 and 24 are in the highest risk brackets when it comes to suicide. We are at risk of losing a generation of young people if we don't deal effectively with this epidemic. It is unacceptable that the community remains largely unaware of the high rates of suicide amongst young adults, and that if you are gay or indigenous, your risk increases at least fourfold," Mr Tanti said.
"It is particularly pleasing to see the commitment of Minister Neville in attempting to address this issue. However, headspace believes more needs to be done to provide safe and supportive environments for all young people and we are calling on the Government to lift its eyes and see what is happening in its own backyard to young people in our schools, particularly those who are same-sex attracted."
headspace intends to maintain the pressure on all State and Federal Governments in the coming months to improve the level of support for same sex attracted young people, while continuing to offer services to those in the community who need it the most.
headspace has 30 centres in both regional and metropolitan Australia that offer health advice, support and information for young people. A headspace centre is youth friendly, a place where young people can seek help and a confidential low cost or free service.
headspace media contact:
Briony Walker
Mob 0402 399 746
Email bwalker@headspace.org.au