headspace partners with Chatime
headspace is delighted to announce a new partnership with Chatime – a business committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of young people.
Known for their bubble-tea, the three year-long partnership, which officially launched on 11 October 2018, will develop, test and implement exciting new resources targeted at tertiary students’ wellbeing.
Chatime staff identified mental health as an area they consider to be the most important issue that young people in Australia face today.
headspace CEO, Jason Trethowan, said headspace is thrilled to be partnering with a business such as Chatime who are passionate about the mental health of young people.
“With one in four young people experiencing a mental health issue before the age of 25, we hope this partnership will promote vital youth mental health awareness and literacy to young people, as well as supporting their friends and their families,” Mr Trethowan said.
“Chatime have the audience for us to share deeply significant and meaningful topics affecting young people and their mental health. We want all young people to know that help is available.”
With the majority of Chatime staff, members and customers being under the age of 25, this partnership will allow headspace to engage and share mental health messages with many young people across Australia.
For media enquiries please contact:
Suzanne La Fontaine, headspace Media & Communications Manager: slafontaine@headspace.org.au 0438 278 000
Stephanie Fonti, headspace Media & Communications Coordinator: sfonti@headspace.org.au 0413 025 385