headspace: empowering Australia’s YOUth


A world-first digital vocational service will be launched by Australia’s leading youth mental health foundation. 

A small innovative eheadspace Work and Study service has been provided with a significant boost, after a proposal put forward by headspace, was awarded a $2 million Federal Government grant. 

Minister for Employment, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, made the announcement this morning at headspace’s Dandenong centre. 

The grant – one of 20 offered through the Empowering YOUTh initiative – will enable headspace to provide one-on-one digital support to young people facing issues around work and study. 

headspace CEO Chris Tanti said the practical advantages of the service will give young people - who historically have been unsuccessful with employers and face the risk of disengaging from work and study - a viable alternative. 

“The majority of young people that present to eheadspace experience issues such as depression, anxiety, and study stress.

“It is clear through data collection from all headspace services, that there is a strong connection between mental health issues, unemployment or risk of unemployment.” 

Mr Tanti said the added benefit of the digital service was integrated clinical care. 

“Through contact with headspace – if any mental health issues are identified, clinnical services will be available.” 

The Work and Study service will enable young people around the country  to access real-time advice, information and support to find work and/or relevant study through web chat, web conferencing, phone, email and live video support. 

Minister Cash said headspace was selected for its experience and innovative approach in engaging young people and helping them break through obstacles that are limiting their job prospects. 

“Youth unemployment, both globally and in Australia, is unacceptably high. We know that early intervention is fundamental, particularly for those who need additional support to become more competitive in the job market,” she said. 

It will also open up headspace services to huge numbers of young people in regional areas, across Australia. 

The digital platform ensures the program is immediate and accessible to metropolitan and regional areas and it brings exciting new ways to link young people with industry. 

If you are having a tough time contact headspace on 1800 650 890.

headspace operates 87 centres across Australia, for details visit www.headspace.org.au .


For further information contact:

Michael Bennett

Senior Corporate Communications Advisor

Mob 0413 025 385