headspace congratulates the Government on its mental health announcement
The announcement by the Commonwealth Government in tonight's Federal Budget to fund a further 10 headspace centres will make a significant impact on the lives of many Australians, particularly young people and those at risk of taking their own lives.
The additional $14.9 million for the new 10 centres will bring the total number of headspace sites across Australia to 100, to be delivered by 2017-18, and honours an election commitment made by the Coalition before the 2013 Federal election.
The CEO of headspace, Mr Chris Tanti, said the additional 10 centres will enable mental health and wellbeing services to be delivered to many more young Australians and their families in rural, regional and metropolitan areas.
"As well as providing face-to-face services through our centres, headspace supports young people through its online counselling services eheadspace," Mr Tanti said.
"This means those aged 12 to 25 have access to confidential, anonymous, secure spaces both online and offline and we're meeting the changing expectations of young people in how services and support should be delivered."
In addition to these services, headspace is also funded through its School Support program to provide localised support to secondary schools affected by a suicide and will also roll out the new Early Psychosis service across Australia.
"Early intervention is crucial in reducing the impact of mental illness and drug and alcohol use by young people in Australia, and the Government's continued support of headspace goes a long way to addressing these issues," Mr Tanti said.
"We look forward to working with the Federal Government, and in particular the Health Minister Mr Peter Dutton, to identify the most suitable locations for these additional 10 centres."
To date headspace has opened 65 centres across the country, with another four due to open in the next couple of months and a further 16 opening from November 2014 onwards. The balance of the 15 centres will be opened in 2015.
headspace media contact:
Carly Wright
Senior Corporate Communications Adviser
Mobile: 0413 025 385