headspace to come to grafton
Mr Trethowan said the young people of Grafton and the wider Clarence Valley deserve access to youth friendly, early intervention mental health services, like all young people across Australia.
“The Government’s commitment is to increase the headspace network from 100 headspace centres to 110 across Australia by 2019,” he said. “Additional headspace services will increase access for vulnerable young people within rural areas of Australia that are at high risk.”
Mr Trethowan said headspace Grafton will ensure that the young people in the Clarence Valley have a say in their own future.
"headspace thrives on youth participation and listening to the voices of young people – we want to help expand the progress that is being made here in Grafton"
headspace has been working closely with the North Coast Primary Health Network, Clarence Valley services and schools and the addition of headspace services will add further value to what has already been put in place to support children, young people, and families.
Mr Trethowan said headspace Grafton will enable easier and immediate access for young people in this region.
The headspace School Support program has implemented a number of strategies in the Clarence Valley including a targeted social media campaign linking people to eheadspace.
In collaboration with Facebook the campaign has reached 17,000 young people.
headspace has also partnered with the NRL to work with grass roots rugby league clubs looking at mental health and help seeking.
Michael Bennett
headspace Media and Communications Manager
0413 025 385 or mbennett@headspace.org.au
If you are having a tough time, visit your local headspace centre or contact eheadspace on 1800 650 890 or www.eheadspace.org.au.