headspace centre officially opens in Bega
headspace Bega will officially be opening their doors on Thursday 13 December, giving young people aged 12 to 25 access to youth friendly, free and confidential mental health and wellbeing services in their local area.
In addition to the young people who helped establish the centre, the launch was attended by Senator Jim Molan AO DSC, Dianne Kitcher, CEO of Coordinare, Ron de Jongh, CEO of Grand Pacific Health and Jason Trethowan, CEO of headspace National.
The centre provides 12-25 year olds mental health, drug and alcohol, employment and education and physical health services and support, as well as providing information for young people and their families and friends.
“headspace Bega is aiming to become a ‘hub’ for young people in the region, the Centre’s innovative service model will also benefit the broader region by providing much needed support to young people in Cooma and Narooma – along with outreach services as required,” said Mr de Jongh.
“Since we opened our doors in November, referrals have been growing steadily, demonstrating there is a need for youth specific mental health services in the region. The feedback we are getting is that headspace is being identified as a safe place to go,” he added.
The headspace model is based on early intervention with the knowledge that adolescence and early adulthood is a critical time in a person's life, with research showing that 75 per cent of mental health disorders emerge before the age of 25. By ensuring help is accessed in those early stages, young people can get things back on track.
headspace CEO Jason Trethowan said the new service will extend the important early intervention work of headspace around the country.
“headspace is helping thousands of young people across Australia going through a tough time,” said Mr Trethowan.
“Since headspace was established in 2006, over 450,000 young people have sought support through headspace centres across Australia or through our online and phone counselling service, eheadspace”.
“We are proud of our achievements over the past ten years and headspace Bega will play an important role in what headspace will achieve in the future in the critical area of youth mental health and wellbeing.”
headspace Bega is part of the Federal Government’s ongoing commitment to establish a national network of headspace services across Australia.
For media enquiries please contact: Stephanie Fonti, headspace Communications Coordinator on 0413 025 385 or sfonti@headspace.org.au