headspace acknowledges mental health commitments in federal budget
headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation welcomes $586.9 million in Federal Budget commitments for the mental health sector.
The Budget reaffirms the Federal Government’s commitment to headspace as Australia’s national youth mental health foundation and primary provider of early intervention mental health support for young people.
Another $6.9m was announced for headspace programs, including an extension to the headspace Work and Study Online program and to headspace youth programs in Newcastle.
“headspace Work and Study provides young people the tools they need to feel confident taking steps towards financial independence,” Chief Executive Officer Jason Trethowan said.
“The current cost of living crisis has made these services more important than ever before.
“headspace also acknowledges the Budget’s modest increase to the JobSeeker rate as a starting point to addressing the financial challenges young people are currently experiencing. Making bulk billing more accessible for young people under 16 and concession card holders is also positive news.
“headspace recognises the government’s Budget commitments to grow the mental health workforce. More is needed into the future to ensure there is a trained pipeline of mental health professionals available to support all young people get youth-friendly, team-based primary mental health care.”
“We thank the Minister Butler, Minister Rishworth and Assistant Minister McBride for showing their continued support for the work headspace does across Australia.”
Young people aged 12 to 25, as well as their family and friends can visit headspace for support. Help is also available via phone and online counselling service, eheadspace, seven days a week between 9am–1am (AEST). The number is 1800 650 890.