headspace: dangerous content in 13 Reasons Why
The series – which debuted in Australia in late March and is currently streaming on Netflix - depicts a young woman who suicides. It presents the viewer with very confronting and graphic messaging and imagery inclusive of suicide method and means.
Kristen Douglas, National Manager of headspace School Support said the show exposes viewers to risky suicide content and may lead to a distressing reaction by the viewer particularly, if the audience is children and young people.

“National and international research clearly indicates the very real impact and risk to harmful suicide exposure leading to increased risk and possible suicide contagion,”

“There is a responsibility for broadcasters to know what they are showing and the impact that certain content can have on an audience – and on a young audience in particular,” he said.
headspace School Support and eheadspace is urging school communities, parents, and mental health services to be aware of the dangers and risks associated for children and young people who have been exposed to this content.
The national suicide media initiative, Mindframe, also has significant concerns and warnings related to this content.
Michael Bennett
headspace Media & Communications Manager
mbennett@headspace.org.au or 0413 025 385