join our online communities

For young people and those supporting them, connect and share with others in a themed group chat or online space.
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Peer group chats

Connect and hear from other people who might be going through similar situations to you, in our weekly (or fortnightly) peer group chats.  

Led by peer support moderators, who are trained to help facilitate group conversations and will also share their own lived experiences. 

We offer five community chats, four for young people and one for adults supporting young people, each with a different focus so you can find a chat that suits your needs.


Find a peer chat for you

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Share your resources

Resource sharing and story sharing is a great way to learn and connect with others outside of a group chat.

Community Spaces gives young people, and those supporting them, a way to share and explore helpful resources (from anywhere not just headspace created resources) about mental health and wellbeing.

All external resources are moderated by our team of clinicians to protect everyone's safety. 


Share your resources

Rather chat 1-on-1 with a mental health clinician?

If you are looking for individual support, you can talk confidentially with an eheadspace clinician over the phone, web chat or email.