This week (27 May – 3 June) marks National Reconciliation Week.
National Reconciliation Week has been created to mould Australia into a more just and equitable nation. This week reminds us of the importance of learning about each other’s shared cultures, histories and achievements. We celebrate Reconciliation week every year on the same dates. These dates commemorate 2 significant events in our reconciliation journey: the 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo decision.
This year’s theme for Reconciliation week is #InThisTogether. This theme refers to each one of us having an important role to play when it comes to reaching our desired goal of reconciliation. It is so important that we build these strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples.
At headspace Werribee, we work to ensure that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people, especially our young people are included and considered at all levels. To reach this goal, you can learn more about your local histories, create conversations about culture and call out any negative comments, behaviours or inclusions of any people.
Today and every day we work towards a more just and reconciled nation where all people of all cultures are included, accepted and understood with respect. We are all #InThisTogether.
For more information take a look at the Reconciliation Australia website.
Blog produced by Kirsty, Youth Advocate