headspace Warwick is here for parents & carers

headspace Warwick, thanks to Health & Wellbeing Queensland's GenQ grants, is hosting a weekly evening for parents and carers of young people throughout terms 2 & 3. The evenings offer a chance to learn some tips and skills not only to support their young people but also themselves to create a mentally healthy community in the Southern Downs, and a meal is prepared and shared between all on the night (someone else cooks dinner!). 

We are hosting two rounds of the program - Term 2 in Stanthorpe and Term 3 in Warwick. Registration and further details are available through Eventbrite (Stanthorpe Parent Program) and there are still spots open for Stanthorpe. The Warwick registrations will open closer to Term 3. 

This program is for parents and carers only so as to create a safe space to discuss the issues that can come with looking after young people. We do not offer child minding for these evenings.