We have hit a huge milestone of 10 years of supporting young people and families in the Goulburn Valley. To celebrate we're opening our centre to the community for a day of fun, food and connection! Join us to yarn, just hang out, or to learn more about the services and programs we provide within our four core streams: Mental Health; Physical & Sexual Health; Alcohol & Other Drugs; Work & Study
The details…
headspace Shepparton centre
129 High Street, Shepparton, 3630
Thursday October 12th 2023
10am – 2pm
Who’s invited?
Young people 12-25
Community members
What can I expect?
Delicious snacks and food
Live music performance
Great yarns
A quiet/chill zone
Games & activities
Info about what we do
Do I need to pay to attend?
No, this event and its activities are free!
Via our humantix link: https://events.humanitix.com/headspace-shepparton-s-10th-birthday
We can't wait to see you there!!!