Mount Druitt

External 2


  • Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed



headspace Mount Druitt provides free information, support and services to young people, aged 12 - 25, and their families and friends. We can help with mental health, general health, alcohol and other drug services as well as work support. We also run the headspace Early Psychosis program. 

Our site has full wheelchair accessibility. 

We are open from Monday to Friday 9.00AM – 5.00PM. We offer 5.00PM – 6.00PM sessions by appointment only.

Download our Service Provider Referral Form here.


  • Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

headspace Mount Druitt is operated by Uniting NSW.ACT. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, Western Sydney (Wentwest Ltd).


Mental health workers – which may include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other workers – that can help if you're just not feeling yourself.

Sexual health screenings on site or links to local services. 

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with work or study opportunities. 

A group of young people who help with events and some decision making at a centre. Ask your centre about getting involved.

GPs can help with any physical health issues as well as issues related to sexual health, drug or alcohol use, relationship problems or feeling down or upset. Your centre may have a GP on site or links to one locally. 

Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with any alcohol or other drug concern.

A headspace early intervention program to improve the lives of young people, and their families, who are affected by psychosis.

Centres have a range of programs and activities for young people. Just ask your centre what they have on. 

“As soon as I sought help, I suddenly realised that my anxiety was very treatable and that I wasn’t alone.”
- Charlie

Jobs and volunteering

Positions currently available at headspace Mount Druitt

General Practitioner 

(Salaried - PT/Seasonal)

About the Role


Are you looking for a role to fit your schedule and allows you to specialise in youth healthcare? Do you value being part of a community? 


We have salaried part-time/seasonal roles for General Practitioners (GP) working flexible hours based at headspace Mt Druitt and/or headspace Penrith. The salaried role will entitle you to all Uniting staff benefits as well as your award benefits.


headspace has a collaborative and holistic model of care. You’ll play an important role in the lives of young people while being supported by a team of experienced youth healthcare experts, which may include psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, dietitians, and mental health and/or nurse practitioners. 


As part of our headspace team, you will:


• Provide high standard GP assessments of persons experiencing physical and mental health issues.

• Liaise and work with internal and external stakeholders.

• Create Mental Health Care Plans for internal referrals, Psychiatrist and Allied Health Services.

• Provide high quality, primary health care services to those accessing headspace

• Respond to medical/health concerns presented by patients including history taking, diagnosis, investigation, treatment and referral as appropriate.

• Encourage and support young people to engage with sexual health and drug and alcohol services as well as preventative health care.

• Have access to Clinical Supervision from our Clinical Manager.

• Be fully supported by our administration team.


About the Program


headspace is funded by the Australian Government under the national Youth Mental Health Initiative. Since its establishment in 2006, headspace has aimed to improve the lives of young Australians aged 12-25 by:

• Providing early intervention and support.

• Integrating local health services to enhance accessibility.

• Educating young people and their families about available resources.

• Implementing evidence-based practices in youth health care.

• Engaging young people in shaping the services they receive.


Essential Criteria


• Approved tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline, with current registration with AHPRA

• As a General Practitioner part of your income will be derived directly from Medicare Billings so you will need to be eligible to provide services under the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS - Better Access).

• Strong clinical experience in youth health and mental health services.

• Proven ability to apply evidence-based practices in therapeutic settings.

• Experience in coordinating care for young people with diverse health needs.

• Capacity to work effectively within a multidisciplinary team.


Benefits & Culture


• Flexible working arrangements to accommodate your schedule.

• Access to ongoing training and professional development opportunities.

• Supportive and integrated work environment.

• Potential for career progression within a national network.


To apply/request further information please email Practice Manager, Hollie Leeder, at hleeder@unting.org

For more information contact:

Name: Hollie Leeder
Email: hleeder@uniting.org

More information

Our centre is located at 55 North Parade Mount Druitt. Parking can be found behind the centre via Jirrang Close.  If you are having trouble locating the centre feel free to call on 1800 683 784, and we will guide you to our building. We endeavour to be flexible with access times and after-hours appointments, so if this sounds like something that would suit you, please give us a call, and we can have a chat. Our centre is wheelchair accessible at the back entrance.

headspace Mount Druitt has a ‘no wrong door policy’, which means no young person is turned away without connection to appropriate internal or external services. If you feel you need additional support whilst connecting with an external service or following our recommendations, please let us know.

We do our best to support you on your journey, be it with headspace or onward with an appropriate external referral; however, we always welcome feedback on how we can do better - please see the feedback section below for info on how to do this.

Our Centre: 

Download our Service Information Kit here.

Download our Welcome Pack for Young People, Welcome Pack for Family and Friends and/or the headspace National Welcome Pack. 


Mental Health Services: 
Mental health workers, which can include psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and mental health nurses (to name a few), are available to talk if you are not feeling like yourself. The mental health workers will spend some time getting to know and understand your story and your goals before working with you (and your friends/family) to find the right way to get you back on track!

Drug and Alcohol Services: 
At headspace Mt Druitt, we have partnered with the Salvation Army to deliver drug and alcohol services through ‘headFYSRT’, which means that we will have someone on-site to be able to support you with any alcohol or drug issue or questions, no matter how small they might be!

headspace Early Psychosis: 
At headspace Mt Druitt, we have the headspace Early Psychosis team right on site who can provide a thorough assessment and treatment for up to 5 years for young people and their families who may be affected by psychosis. headspace Early Psychosis is a multidisciplinary program that is made up of 3 different teams - the Mobile Assessment and Treatment Team, the Functional Recovery Team and the Continuing Care Team. If you are a service provider and want to know more about this program - head here. 

Youth Programs:
We run a number of groups and programs throughout the year for any young people accessing headspace services to take part in. Please give us a call to find out what is happening right now!

GPs (General Practitioners) can help with any physical health issues as well as issues related to sexual health, drug or alcohol use, relationship problems or feeling down or upset. At headspace Mt Druitt, we can help you link in with a youth-friendly GP conveniently located close to headspace Mt Druitt or another location that might suit you better. 

Work and Study Support: 
At headspace Mt Druitt, we have a dedicated work and study worker on site one day a week who can assist you with your work and study opportunities. There are also a number of options that we can talk about to see what fits you best, such as headspace Work and Study!

The aim of the service is to assist young people and their families/carers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds access health services by providing professional and confidential interpreting services. This service assists in facilitating communication between CALD young people and their families and carers and health care providers like headspace.

Services are available in over 120 languages, including AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language).

To access interpreter services in your language when seeking support from headspace, please speak to our headspace team who will be able to arrange a time to meet with an interpreter either in person, videoconferencing or over the phone. 

The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is what we call our Youth Reference Group (YRG) at our headspace site.

The YAC ensure that our headspace services are kept up to date and youth friendly! They also have two ongoing subcommittees- one of them being the "FAB (For All Bodies) Committee", which is an LGBTQIA+ specific subcommittee.

We recruit new YAC members periodically to help with events, activities and to have input into how headspace works with the community - if you'd like to know more about this, you can email: headspacemtdruitt@uniting.org.   

If you are a service provider and you wish to refer a young person to headspace, simply download the Referral Form and return it via email to: headspacemtdruitt@uniting.org If you are unsure whether the young person meets referral criteria for the headspace Early Psychosis program, please click here for our referral checklist.

Please ensure that the young person whom you refer is willing to engage with headspace and is able to attend appointments.

We recommend that you follow up the emailed referral with a phone call, just to make sure we've received it.

Our intake phone number is: (02) 8881 2500


Is headspace Mt Druitt open? 

Answer: We remain open if you need to walk in to our centre between 9.00AM - 5.00PM Monday to Friday. In addition, we are continuing to operate our services via telehealth (phone and online).  

Can I have a face-to-face appointment?

Answer: Yes, and you can also choose to attend your appointment online.

How long will a first intake session take and how soon will I be able to have a face-to-face or phone intake session? 

Answer: Both face-to-face and phone intake sessions take roughly 30 minutes to complete. A face-to-face or telephone intake can be completed when you contact the headspace service. If our intake team isn't available to take your call they will call back between two to five business days. If you have not heard from us in a week, give us a call.

Can I bring my parent/carer/support person to a face-to-face intake session? 

Answer: Yes, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, where possible, we request that this be limited to one person.

Can a parent/carer bring a younger child with their older child who is completing a face-to-face intake session? 

Answer: Yes. We appreciate all efforts to reduce the number of people on-site and understand if you need to bring someone who is under your care and cannot be left with someone else. We ask that parents/carers make sure that younger children are supervised at all times.

Do I need to book for my intake session? 

Answer: No. An intake can be completed Monday-Friday during operating hours. 

Do I need to wear a mask? 

Answer: We ask that you consider wearing a mask for on-site appointments. We ask that you follow all public health precautions such as staying home if you are sick (you can call us instead!), maintaining physical distancing and using hand sanitiser. We encourage everyone to wear a mask, if you have any concerns, please speak to the team. There are masks available on-site if you'd like to use one of those.

Do I need to be vaccinated to have a face-to-face appointment?

Answer: No, we do not require that you are vaccinated to attend appointments face to face. If you are vaccinated and would like us to know, you can speak to your clinician, and they can add it to your file if you'd like them to.

What should I do if I test positive and have attended a face-to-face appointment within the last week?

Answer: We would ask that you let your clinician know as soon as possible, please note you will still be able to access services while unwell via Telehealth/phone.

What are headspace staff doing to ensure the safety of young people attending face-to-face?

Answer: All Uniting staff have been vaccinated for Covid-19 other than those with medical exemptions. Staff check their temperature every day they are on-site and will not attend work face-to-face when showing symptoms. When unable to maintain a 1.5m distance, staff will wear a mask. All staff regularly wash their hands and/or use hand sanitiser.

If you still have any questions or are unsure if a pre-organised appointment with your headspace worker is going ahead face-to-face or online - please give us a call. 

Your feedback is valuable to us - it helps us know what we are doing really well and also helps us to improve our service.

If you are a young person accessing our service, we would really appreciate your feedback. Let us know here - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PNRFLWK. This survey is confidential and won't impact on the service you are currently receiving.

Supporting a family member or friend? Please tell us what you think about headspace and the service you have received. Your feedback will help us improve the service for others. Complete the survey.

Uniting NSW.ACT provides care and support for people through all ages and stages of life, with a focus on people experiencing vulnerability and exclusion. As one of the largest not-for-profit (NFP) organisations in Australia we offer services across NSW and the ACT in the areas of aged care, retirement and independent living, early learning, disability, community, and mental health services. With our values: Compassionate, Respectful, Bold, and Imaginative we work to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice.

An initiative of the headspace Mount Druitt Youth Advisory Committee.

For more virtual tours and mental health related videos visit the headspace youtube page or our facebook page.

The Community Development Team are available to assist with a range of community activities and events.


  • Mental health events: The Community Development Team can participate in community events and engage in health and service promotion. We can provide a pop-up stall to distribute a range of information about what mental health is, how to increase positive mental health, and how to link into our services whilst also including some engaging activities for the community. 


  • Educational Workshops: we provide workshops for groups of young people, parents, family members, or carers of young people.


  • Student Engagements: The Community Development Team can provide tours and visits at our local headspace centres for interested students. Throughout the in-service tour a member of our Community Development Team will provide you with an overview of the services, staff and resources on-site at this centre. 


  • Promotional materials: The Community Development Team can post out promotional material (e.g., posters, flyers and postcards).


To make a request from the above list or if you have any additional questions, please reach out to The Community Development team at: headspacecdt@uniting.org

headspace  Mount Druitt is cost free. Some of our services may require you to have a Medicare card, however our primary care services do not.

Young people 15+ years old can get their own Medicare card by visiting their local Medicare office.

The below fact sheet and road map explain why young people may need their own Medicare card, and which option and pathway to take for getting their own Medicare card that will suit their needs under difference circumstances.

NSW Government Fact sheet (PDF)

A key part of headspace Mount Druitt is our consortium support. These partnerships broaden young people’s access to arrange of services.

Our valued consortium partners are as follows: