2024 headspace Geelong Group Programs

headspace Geelong and Corio are currently offering a range of programs

peer space

peer space is a group where young people come together and share their experiences in an easy-going environment with other young people. We hope the group will be a space where we can share practical insights and tips on how to look after our mental health with group members that are 12-25 years old and have lived experience of mental health challenges.

It is a social space where we will hang out, play games, and eat food- yes there are snacks!

The group is small and confidential, everyone ’s there for similar reasons.
Being part of a supportive group can empower you to learn more about yourself and make informed decisions about your life.

The group will run during every school term for 8 weeks.

Term One dates: Tuesdays, 13 February 2024 – 26 March 2024, 4-5:30pm – headspace Geelong

Term Two dates: Tuesdays, 21 May 2024 – 02 July 2024, 4-5:30pm – headspace Geelong

Term Three dates: TBC

Term Four dates: TBC

mate space 

mate space offers a safe and inclusive space for young people to get together, cook a BBQ, play games and listen to music. There is plenty of space for activities, this group provides an excellent opportunity to connect in an informal setting, encouraging mateship.

All young men 12 to 25 years of age are welcome and can join the group at any time. For more information please ask our friendly staff.

Term One dates: Not available.

Term Two dates: Fortnightly on Wednesdays, 17th April 2024 - 26th June 2024. 3:30pm - 5:30pm - Golden Plains Youth Hub, Milton Street. (Next to YMCA and opposite Bannockburn P-12 College)

Term Three dates: TBC

Term Four dates: TBC

diverse city 

diverse city is a program specifically for queer youth who are engaged with headspace Geelong!

The program covers the following with an LGBTIQA+ lens;

  • education
  • healthy relationships
  • mental health
  • alcohol and drugs or wellbeing

Although diverse city has been developed specifically for communities aged 12 to 25 years of age, young allys who would like to learn more are also welcome to join. If you are interested in coming to the next diverse city program, please ask your Clinician for further information and how you can be referred! The program will run over a total of six weeks.

Term One dates: Under 16y – Thursdays, 15 February 2024 – 21 March 2024, 4-5:30pm – headspace Geelong

Term Two dates: 16y plus – Thursdays, 02 May 2024 – 06 June 2024, 4-5:30pm – headspace Geelong

Term Three dates: Not available. Program is currently paused.

Term Four dates: TBC

eat space X cook & connect

We have linked up with One Hope to deliver this cooking program for young people who would like to learn more about what goes into the preparation of meals and cooking! The program takes into account cooking on a budget, the cost of ingredients and the type of food being prepared. All participants are given copies of the recipes they cook throughout the program. Volunteers and Program Facilitators Susie and Megan create and warm and welcoming learning environment!

The program is open to young people aged 18+.

Term One dates: Tuesdays, 06 February 2024 – 26 March 2024, 11:30am-1:30pm – One Hope, Candover Street Geelong West

Term Two dates: Tuesdays, 23 April 2024 – 25 June 2024 4:00pm-5:30pm – One Hope, Candover Street Geelong West

Term Three dates: TBC

Term Four dates: TBC



Adaptability, Reflection, Connection, Self.

ARCS is a resilience program intended for young people interested in learning more about managing their overall mental health and well-being. Over seven weeks, participants will be guided to explore anxiety, loneliness, managing change and healthy relationships. Young people who will benefit the most from this program are those who can identify a personal need to strengthen their general coping skills and those who are interested in building connections with others who are in a similar phase of life.

Guided by principles of connection, gratitude, empathy, and reflection, ARCS uses a variety of reflective practices and hands-on resources. The program is suitable for young people 14 to 18 years of age (literacy skills are required). If you have engaged with headspace Geelong, ask your Clinician or our friendly admin staff how you can be part of the next ARCS program!

Term One dates: Not available.

Term Two dates: Not available. Program is currently paused.

Term Three dates: TBC


*New Program* Healthy headspace

This is a creative and relaxed program where you can learn more about the foundations of mental health. Each week, whilst enjoying some yummy snacks, the healthy headspace program will focus on one of the seven healthy headspace themes:

  • getting enough sleep
  • eating well
  • staying active
  • learning skills for tough times
  • creating connections
  • cutting back on alcohol and other drugs
  • getting into life

Term Three dates:  Thursdays, 1st August 2024 - 12 September 2024 (location: headspace Geelong)



If you are interested in any of these programs, click here