Staff Profiles

GPH headspace
18 Oct 2022
Meet our headspace Bega team! The following questions were created by the Youth Reference Group members and images were designed by a local young artist (you can check out more of her artwork at @nisey3art)

Name and pronouns Chris he/him

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from) I spent most of my childhood on the Central Coast which is Darkinjung land

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? My role with headspace is Clinical Lead. I’m a registered clinical psychologist and I have been working in youth mental health for over 12 years.

What have you learnt working with young people? Working with young people and listening to people’s stories is always a privilege. Each client has things to teach you and listening to others stories there is always the opportunity to reflect on what you are doing in your own life

What are three things you look for in a therapist? I have seen several therapists in my life and it took a while to find someone that it worked with. When I did it was about feeling that this person was genuinely trying to understand my situation, even though they at times didn’t do it perfectly. It was also about them having ideas and suggestions that were relevant and that I could understand why they were suggesting them. Most of the ideas, or skills or techniques I didn’t resonate with and so didn’t use, but a few did make a difference and we were able to build of them. Basically when it worked it was because I thought the person was trying and getting a lot of it right, and some of the ideas they suggested were things I could to make changes. From these changes I could make bigger and bigger steps.

How long have you been working at Bega headspace? I have been working at Headspace Bega since it opened. Prior to that I worked with the Bega Teen clinic and before that I worked with students at the university of Newcastle.

How do you take care of your mental health? I think it takes lots of little things to look after our wellbeing. Really core things are  eating well, regular sleep, and for me really importantly regular exercise. I know it sounds boring but if these are out its much harder for me to manage my well being. I have also found it to be very important to notice and understand what I’m feeling. Each emotion will push our thinking, memories our perspective around (e.g. when we are sad were are not negative and pessimistic and have more critical thoughts about ourselves) so by noticing what I’m feeling I can try and minimise the impact of my emotions on my thinking. Lastly when I’m having a hard or unpleasant experience, I use the simple (but hard to do, it takes practice) skill of asking myself “If someone else was feeling this way, in this situation, and having these thoughts, what would I try and say to them and what would I try and do for them?” I find that after using it a lot I can often come up with more useful or helpful ways of thinking and responding to situations, compared to letting my feels and thoughts spiral.

How do you know if therapy is effective? I think everyone is different and is looking or needing something different. I also think each therapist is offering something different, hence why sometimes it might take meeting a few to find a good fit. I think therapy is effective when it helps a client to come up with a sense of what they want to do differently in their life. The changes might be small or hard to do to start with but ultimately I think therapy is a conversation that is around change.

What is one thing you are passionate about? Mountain Biking, when ever I can I’m on a bike

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? I really like walking and kayaking at Bournda National Park.

What is your favourite plant and why? Pin cushion Hakea for its amazing flowers

Are you a Dog or a Cat person? I’m definitely a dog person! I have 2 Cocker Spaniels, named Nikki and Ollie and they enjoy kayaking with me. 

What is your favourite book and why? Lots of books. A clockwork orange, William Blake poetry, Jim Morrision biography by Oliver Stone, Picture of Dorian Grey. 

Name and pronouns My name is Claudia, my pronouns are she/her.

 What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from)I was born on Wiradjuri Country and grew up across Ngunnawal and Yuin Country. Now I live by the waters of the Thaua people of Yuin Country.

What is your role OR What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? I do intakes. I’ve been in the mental health sector for almost 6 years, my background is in peer work. Prior to joining headspace, I worked with adults in Next Steps (supporting people following a suicide attempt) and Integrated Recovery (people experiencing enduring mental health challenges) at Grand Pacific Health.

What have you learnt working with young people? I’m always learning! Young people can be excellent teachers.

What does a first session look like with you? We keep it pretty relaxed. Intake is an opportunity for you to share what your life is like (this can be the tough things as well as the things you like or care about) and get some info about the folks at headspace. Together we come up with a plan on what could be helpful and how you’d like to be supported. If there’s some stuff going on and headspace can’t meet your needs, we’ll help you connect with the appropriate people and places.

How long have you been working at Headspace?
3 years in April 

How do you take care of your mental health? Staying curious about my feelings & experiences. Spending time with friends, sharing a meal, having a laugh. Running around with my dogs is a good boost too. I also love popping my headphones in and escaping into a good podcast.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? There’s a lot to love about the local area, after years of living here there’s always new places to visit and learn about. I enjoy that.

What is your favourite plant and why?  I have a lot of time for plants with tendrils, anything that climbs, crawls or hangs... Favourite would be Passionflower. The flowers are brilliant, and the fruit is tasty.

Are you a Dog or a Cat person? Both. I’ve never met an animal I didn’t adore. I live with two dogs but if I had the space I’d bring in more.

What is your favourite book and why? This is a hard question to answer…So many for many different reasons!
When I was a young person, I really liked ‘The Places That Scare You’ by Pema Chodron.

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? Some of the best places I’ve ever been are within 30 minutes of my home. I once explored an abandoned theme park in Indonesia, that was very cool.

Name and pronouns My name is Jocelyn, I use she/her pronouns.

What First Nations land do you come from? I was born in Arrernte land (Alice Springs), and grew up in many different places around Sydney (Warrang land).

What are your qualifications and position at headspace? I am a clinical psychologist. I work as a Mental Health Clinician at headspace providing counselling/psychological therapy.

 How long have you been working at Headspace? I have been working at Bega headspace since August 2021. I also work in private practice and have worked as a psychologist for nearly 20 years.

What have you learnt working with young people? That there’s lots still for me to learn! – there is so much you continue to teach me. I’ve learnt that through tough times, young people can be extraordinarily resilient, courageous, open, curious, and funny – thank you for sharing your stories.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? I love to walk my very energetic dog on the beach, I love to source a good burger (Cranky Pants currently the winner), I love to ski our beautiful ski fields.

How do you take care of your mental health? I practice what I preach! - eat well, exercise daily, get a good night’s sleep, have plenty of relaxation/down time. Exercise is the non-negotiable and essential for my mental health and well being. I also work hard to have balance between work and life – doing this by taking breaks throughout the year and spending plenty of time doing the things I love – reading, cooking, travelling, spending time outdoors.

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? Hard to pick a favourite – there are many! I have loved visiting Canada and the USA – I lived in the USA for a couple of years. I love snow skiing and hope to have many ski adventures around the world.


Name and pronouns

My name is Karla and I use she/her pronouns

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from)

I was born in Mount Isa in Queensland. Mount Isa is situated on the first nations land of the Kalkadoon People, also known as the Kalkatungu, Kalkatunga or Kalkadungu.

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian/Nutritionist and am currently working in this field for Headspace. At university I studied a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition / Dietetics) and Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Science).

What have you learnt working with young people? I love working with young people and I have learned that I still have so much to learn! Young people always bring a fresh perspective and different ways of thinking.

What does a first session look like with you? OR what are three things you look for in a therapist?  The aim of the first session (or two) is to ease any nervousness/anxiety about seeing a dietitian, and to answer any questions that you may have about how the process works. Its also a time for me to get to know you a little, build rapport and trust, and gather some information to see in what ways I can be helpful on your journey.

How long have you been working at Headspace? I have been working at Bega Headspace for 2.5 years

How do you take care of your mental health? I am a big believer in balance. A good combination of sleep, self care, physical activity, coffee, and I wouldn’t be a dietitian if I didn’t say eating a balance of different foods that spark joy J. I love starting my day with going outside and moving usually with a dog or children in tow, preferably near or in a body of water and with the sun rising, before the wind picks up!. My mental health is at its best in the summer months!!!!. I also love turning up the music at home and dancing with my 4 and 6 year old children – their dance moves almost always put a smile on my face!!! Spending quality time with friends, family and traveling to different places to experience a change of scenery/food/culture and to reconnect are also important to me.

Im a big fan of Marie Condo – Less clutter and more joy!

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? We have so many beautiful beaches – exploring them is one of my favourite things to enjoy in our local area.

What is your favourite plant and why? I love anything tropical and that’s because I grew up in Queensland and it reminds me of home!

Are you a Dog or a Cat person? Dogs are where my heart lies

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? South Africa, Croatia, and I love Noosa Heads

Name and pronouns

Kim Andrews, I use she/ her pronouns

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from) I am from Ngarigo land (Jindabyne). I am not sure of the specific language group for the land I’m from.

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? I work as a Mental Health Clinician at headspace. My qualifications for this position are as a Registered Psychologist.

What have you learnt working with young people? In the mist of tough times young people can be funny, caring, thoughtful, reflective, strong and passionate.

What are three things you look for in a therapist?

I look for someone who is:

  • Genuine & down to earth
  • Willing to try and understand where I am at and focus on what’s important to me
  • Knowledgeable and flexible in their approach

How long have you been working at Headspace?

I have been working at headspace Cooma for about 3 years.

How do you take care of your mental health? I have discovered that one of my best ways to take care of myself and recharge is to get out in nature whether that be a bushwalk, mountain biking or sitting in the garden with a cup of tea. I also talk with friends if I notice I am struggling with something.

How do you know if therapy is effective? I may notice that you are taking more small steps towards stuff that is really important to you.

What is one thing you are passionate about? What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? I love exploring the Kosciuszko National Park, walking, skiing, mountain biking.

Are you a Dog or a Cat person? I am a dog person! I have Rough Collie called Brioche who loves to romp in the snow.

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? I have travelled to Japan several times, I love the unique culture, language and food.

Name and pronouns?

My name is Candice, I use she/her pronouns.

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from)

I was born in Ngarigo land (Cooma) and grew up on Yuin land (Merimbula), home of the Djiringanj people

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? I work as a clinical educator and mental health clinician at Headspace. My qualifications for this position include being a registered clinical psychologist, which means I studied for 6 years in total, with a bachelor's degree and masters degree in psychology. I am also a “psychology board approved supervisor” which means I can mentor and train new mental health clinicians.

What have you learnt working with young people? I have learnt that young people are highly resilient in an ever-changing modern world. Some of things I most admire about young people is their ability to keep things real, their open minds and willingness to try new and different things.

What are three things you look for in a therapist? Some of the important qualities I look for in a therapist include: a compassionate, non-judgemental approach; someone who is able to hold the space to explore challenging things but in a light and curious manner; someone who believes in the strengths and inner wisdom of the clients they see.

How long have you been working at Headspace? I have been working at Bega Headspace for about 12 months, as I started in July 2021 and absolutely love working in such a great team.

How do you take care of your mental health? To keep my mind healthy it’s important for me to move my body regularly, which might include doing a bit of yoga here and there, and walking on the beach or in the bush. I find water very soothing so anywhere where I can see the ocean is therapeutic for me. I think its important for me to keep a healthy balance between work, family, health and leisure time so making sure I don’t over-commit in one area means setting healthy boundaries.

How do you know if therapy is effective? There are probably many signs that someone is benefiting from therapy, but here are some signs that stand out to me : When someone is becoming more aware and accepting of their internal world (eg thoughts, feelings, memories, sensations) and also feels more able to respond to situations with choice rather than “reacting”. When someone is more connected with the important people in their lives, and they are doing the things that bring them meaning and vitality then I think that is also a good indicator that therapy is helping.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? One of my favourite spots in the are is down at Pambula rivermouth, this place is so serene. Whether I’m having a swim, taking a stroll or on the stand up paddle board I’m just in awe of the beauty there!

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? My family originates from Austria in Europe, and perhaps one of my favourite places in the world is Salzburg in Austria!


Name and pronouns?

Portia (She/Her)

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from)

I grew up on Wiradjuri land and now I live on Ngarigo land

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field?

I work as a Mental Health Clinician at our Cooma outpost. My qualifications for this position is a Master of Social Work.

What have you learnt working with young people? Ahhh so much! I love how incredibly diverse young people are. I love that each time I work with a young person that I learn about them, and I also learn things about myself, our community, and the world that we live in. It’s such a privilege to hear the stories young people bring to us, and I feel so lucky to get to be on this journey with each young person I work with. So, basically….I learn something each time I get to speak with a young person.

What does a first session look like with you? OR what are three things you look for in a therapist?

The first session with me is usually about getting to know each other. I like to acknowledge that this is a new place, a new person, and often a new experience – and that’s okay, these things can take time. So, we will often speak about the things you love, the things you don’t love, what’s working for you and what’s not, who your people are, and what you’d like to see come from our time together.

The things I look for in a therapist – genuineness, flexibility, comfort

How long have you been working at Headspace?

I have been working at Bega Cooma for almost 4 years.

How do you take care of your mental health?

I like to go on a mixture of planned and spontaneous outdoor adventures. I particularly love to do snow sports and bushwalks. I also like to journal and do Pilates. I find that these activities help me to maintain my mental health.

How do you know if therapy is effective? There’s a few things that I feel are important to the therapeutic journey. Safety is crucial to effective therapy and that requires a good professional relationship between therapist and the person(s) attending therapy, so for me, developing this is the first indication that things are and will continue to go well. Some of the other indicators include observing; a higher level of self-awareness, feeling equipped with new skills and ideas, and an increase in self-compassion.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area?

All things nature! I love watching the sunrises and sunsets, looking at the stars and searching for the moon with my children, embracing the seasonal changes, feeling the crisp morning frosts, and of course snow boarding and stand up paddle boarding…..and bushwalks.

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? Japan – I absolutely love the culture, food, and the snow! When I think of my idea of the best day I could have, it involves Japanese food and an onsen every time.


Name and pronouns?

My name is Carmen, I use she/her pronouns.

How old are you?

I am 45 years old.

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from)

I live on the lands of the Djiringang people, on beautiful Yuin Nation.

What are your qualifications and position at headspace?

I work as the Service Manager at Headspace. My background is in Public Health.

Can you give a brief description of what your position is and what you do?

As Service Manager, I am responsible for supporting the multi-disciplinary team here at hsBega to deliver the best possible service to young people. This includes oversight of strategic planning, operational accountability including quality and reporting, managing a budget, and building and maintain good relationships with other service providers so that we can work well together in the community. 

How long have you been working at Headspace? I have been working at Bega Headspace for about 3 months, and before that I have worked across a range of human and community services in the Bega Valley for about 15 years.

What is one thing you are passionate about?

Swimming in the ocean, even when its cold.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? I really enjoy walking my dog on the beach of a morning.

What is your favourite plant and why? My favourite plant is lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) because it smells so beautiful in my garden. My herbal medicine teacher used to say that it “gladdens the heart”.

Are you a Dog or Cat person? I’m a dog person! I have a big, goofy, gentle chocolate labradoodle called Bear. He is the bestest boy.

Name and Pronouns My name is Ant, I use he/him pronouns.

What First Nations land do you come from?  The traditional custodians of the land I come from are the Brataualung people of the Kurnai People (Yarram, Victoria).

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? I work as a member of the Work & Study Support Division at Headspace. My qualifications for this position are 30 years of operating all areas our family businesses and the adventure of helping 5 kiddo’s grow.

What have you learnt working with young people? Each day brings something new, highs, lows, and everything in between!! Together we can enjoy the highs, work through the lows, and take a breath in between.

How long have you been working at headspace Bega? I have been working at Bega Headspace for about 5 months.

How do you take care of your mental health? I try to get outdoors as much as possible, especially on a paddle board in the surf. Fishing, diving, hitting our sensational estuaries/beaches with the kids. Chipping away at some exercise most days. Hanging out with my wife Nicole, when the kids let us!!

What is one thing you are passionate about? I'm really passionate about salt water. My earliest memories involve fishing with Dad, learning to swim in and understand the ocean with Mum and growing up smelling the salty air living on the headland at Tathra.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? Easy, get near, in or on the ocean.

What is your favourite plant and why? Love the Frangipanni slowly getting bigger in our front yard at home in Tathra.

Are you a Dog or a Cat person? I’m leaning towards the Doggo side, we have Nelson a really loving, playful Cockerpoo.  Have a cat, Ella, who is pretty cool.

What is your favourite book and why? Unfortunately I have been more of a get up and go than a sit and read style of bloke for as long as I remember. I used to read Stephen King books pretty heavy when I was younger.

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? Lucky to have experienced Thailand and Bali a couple of times over the stretch. Unbelievable to experience the culture, sights, sounds, smells, and environment.

Name and pronouns Luke Foster. He/him/his

What First Nations land do you come from? (or where do you come from) I was born in Nowra on Yuin Country.

Can you give a brief description of what your position is and what you do? I am a qualified social worker and currently work as a mental health clinician at Headspace Bega. I provide counselling to young people and their families to support their mental health and wellbeing. When working with young people, I try to be strength-based, genuine and view the young person as the expert in their own life. My approach assumes that all young people have a wide range of skills, competencies, beliefs and values that will help them in reducing the impact of problems on their lives. My work is often about helping young people to recognize and draw upon these skills when experiencing problems in their lives. In my work I also draw upon my own lived experience of mental health.

What are your qualifications and/or experience in the field? I am a qualified social worker. Prior to working with Headspace, I worked with families involved with the child protection system and with children living in out-of-home care. Prior to this, I worked at a service for people diagnosed with an eating disorder.

What have you learnt working with young people? I have learnt that young people are incredibly resilient and capable. I have also been reminded of how hard it can be as a young person.

How do you take care of your mental health? I like running, swimming/surfing in the ocean and spending time with my 1-year-old son. I also like taking my rescue greyhound, daisy for walks along the beach.

What is something that you enjoy doing in the local area? Checking out some of the great bushwalks in the area.

What is your favourite place that you have travelled to? Patagonia in South America.