headspace Albury Wodonga and headspace Wangaratta would love to congratulate and support all the family, friends, and trusted adults of your headspace young people.
How can you support yourself to better support your young people?
Take time for your own mental health and wellbeing!
Practice mindfulness at home
1 - Go for a walk (Don't run, it's a trap!)
2 - Ring a friend you haven't spoken to in a while
3 - Make a music playlist (And subject your family to it)
4 - Take a break from the news and social media
5 - Declutter for 5 mins
6 - Learn some yoga and breathing exercises (Whatever you think, the pretzel is not for you)
7 - Watch or read something uplifting
8 - Check out a forum (headspace parents, Facebook groups, Reach Out)
9 - Learn something new
10 - Pick up an old hobby you've missed
Finally, every day take 10 mins out, just for you (This is not nap time, but you can have one of those too later)
Practicing mindfulness for yourself, helps everyone. Showing you're working on your mental health and taking time for yourself, allows young people to see healthy mental health relationships and strategies for themselves.
Taking time for you, is helping them
Check out the headspace Friends and family forum on eheadspace