GSFL headspace Albany
AFL Super Round
Sixteens and Colts
GSFL support the mental health of young men with the headspace Albany Super Round
Saturday April 17th
1.30pm with16s
2.10pm colts
2.50pm 16's
3.30pm colts
4.10pm 16's
4.50pm colts to 5.25pm finish
2.10pm colts
2.50pm 16's
3.30pm colts
4.10pm 16's
4.50pm colts to 5.25pm finish
Awards and presentation 5.30pm for 16s and 5.45 for colts
Games have 2 x 15 min halves, 5 min half time and 5 min between games
3 games each team
Centennial Oval, Albany