headspace reference groups
To make sure headspace remains relevant and youth-friendly, we engage a range of reference groups so that the young people’s voices are heard for decisions and development of key headspace activities and initiatives.
Below are a few of our current reference groups.

hY NRG (headspace Youth National Reference Group) is a group of young people who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people.
hY NRG are advocates for young people, youth mental health, and leaders within their own communities. Their diversity of backgrounds, viewpoints and experiences with mental health provides headspace with the voices and insights needed to stay an accessible and important service for young people across the country.

National Family Reference Group
The headspace National Family Reference Group is made up of people with lived experience of supporting a young person with mental health challenges.
The group advocates for the role, contribution and needs of families and friends across all headspace programs and services.