headspace is accredited against the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards

headspace is proud that our suite of digital mental health services has been awarded accreditation against the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards. 

headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation has received accreditation for the following services:  

NSQDMH Standards Accreditation badge


What does it mean if a service is accredited to the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards?

A government agency called the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care wrote the Digital Mental Health Standards to help people identify high quality digital mental health services. They worked with people who use digital mental health, mental health experts and industry to make sure that accredited services pay attention to the things that keep services safe.  

An accredited service keeps your information private and they will ask for your feedback to make the service better. They also make sure their services are based on strong evidence.  

A service gets accredited by an approved agency that has been trained to check for safety and quality issues. They check evidence to show the service meets the Digital Mental Health Standards so you can know that the service keeps people safe.  

The Commission has more information on the Digital Mental Health Standards and what accreditation means.