media statement: 2026 Census


Please attribute to headspace CEO Jason Trethowan:
“headspace is disappointed the 2026 Census won’t contain questions that seek to understand the diversity of gender identities and variations of sex characteristics within the Australian community.

“While the Prime Minister indicated last week the Census will include a new question about sexual orientation, it is important that gender-diverse and intersex people also have the same opportunity to be counted in the Census.

“As the national youth mental health foundation, headspace knows that LGBTIQA+ young people in this country report higher levels of psychological distress than their peers.

“Social exclusion and discrimination are significant risk factors for mental ill-health. Failing to capture their information in the census only deepens the sense of isolation many LGBTIQA+ young people already experience every day. 

“It's also important for governments, and for organisations like headspace, to have an accurate picture of the communities we serve, and make informed choices about where funding and resources should be focused. The Census is a vital tool for that kind of decision-making.

“At headspace, we have been on a journey to improve our data collection, to ensure we capture a fuller picture of the young people and families who interact with our services.

“The sooner we count LGBTIQA+ people in this snapshot of Australia, the quicker we can provide even better supports to these valued community members.

“It is our hope the Australian Government will reconsider its decision and introduce new questions that reflect the modern and diverse country we call home.”