headspace welcomes Opposition support

headspace welcomes the announcement today by the Leader of the Victorian State Opposition, Mr Ted Bailleu, of the coalition's ongoing support for our organisation.

In July, the CEO of headspace, Mr Chris Tanti, along with the Federal Minister for Health, Ms Nicola Roxon, announced the locations for 10 new headspace centres, which included Bendigo.

It is pleasing to see the Victorian opposition committing to supporting the new Bendigo centre However, we were disappointed that this support has not come with any funding or in-kind assistance, such as co-location with an existing government service or financial support for leasing of suitable premises.

The current Victorian State Government has also failed to provide such support to headspace, despite our organisation providing much needed assistance to thousands of young Victorian across the state.

It is time for all state governments to start to understanding the positive impact early intervention in mental health is having on the lives of young people and their families and establish meaningful partnerships that provide more than just platitudes with organisations such as headspace.

headspace media contact:
Briony Walker
Tel 03 9027 0112
Mob 0402 399 746