headspace and Lifeline Australia welcome Community Wellbeing Collaboratives in NSW


headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation and Lifeline Australia welcome the NSW Government announcement to invest in the establishment of 12 Community Wellbeing Collaboratives in communities at high risk of suicide.

The collaboratives organise the response from all services in the local area in times of need with funding directed to organisations including headspace and Lifeline to lead coordination.

Commenting on the announcement today, headspace CEO, Jason Trethowan said he was pleased to see the NSW Government highlight the important nature of this work to reduce suicide risk and help communities in need of support.

“The activity that takes place in a community in the period following deaths by suicide is crucial. We know that when multiple lives are lost to suicide, that community is at risk of more deaths occurring. The work we do aims to mitigate risk, identify and connect vulnerable people to services and ensure communities are well set up to monitor and manage during this time.

“The investment from the NSW Government emphasise the importance of this work and we commend them for their commitment to support NSW communities. We’re proud to work in partnership with Lifeline Australia and local communities across NSW to continue to support local areas in need.” Trethowan said.

Colin Seery, Lifeline Australia CEO welcomed the NSW Government’s focus on a coordinated response to suicide prevention.

“We welcome this funding from NSW Government that will enable headspace and Lifeline to work together to immediately respond to vulnerable communities facing increasing risk of suicide across NSW. By sharing our knowledge, data and community networks it will be possible for our services to coordinate an evidence based all age, all stage prevention, detection and response for communities who are reeling with the impact of suicide. This partnership will bring hope to communities currently struggling and it will save lives,” said Colin Seery, Chief Executive Officer, Lifeline Australia.






headspace Media:

+61 431 289 886



Lifeline Australia Media:

+61 408 407 376
