Parenting can be a challenge at times.
Would you like to learn how to: Understand what your young person going through at this stage in life? Understand their emotions? Manage conflict more effectively? Communicate more effectively? Create a closer more connected relationship? Build on your skills as a parent?
Tuning into Teens shows you how to help your young person to develop emotional intelligence. Research shows young people with higher emotional intelligence:
•Have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults
•Are able to deal with peer pressure better
•Are more able to cope positively when upset or angry
•Have fewer mental health issues and substance abuse difficulties
•Are better prepared to create the life they want to live, and thrive.
~Our Term 1 program is starting on 19th February 2019 for 6 consecutive Tuesdays.
~Time; 5:30pm-7:30pm.
~There is limited spots available so please contact Sandy, Groups Coordinator on 50212400 to register or if you would like more information.