Statement regarding the Re-tendering of headspace Melton
Odyssey House Victoria was funded by the Commonwealth Government through the North West Melbourne Primary Health Network North Western Melbourne PHN to set up a new headspace service in Melton as lead of a consortium of local providers.
The service has done well during its first year of service, meeting all milestones and building a solid connection with the community. Visitors to the site have regularly commented on the energy and commitment of the headspace Melton team.
Unfortunately, however, Odyssey House was not successful in the recent tender to continue to operate this service, and Orygen will now take on the management of this service.
Odyssey, Orygen and the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network are currently developing a detailed transition plan. Further information, including timelines, will be available soon. Our shared priority is to support young people, their families and the larger Melton community this transition time.
Regardless of the transition, Odyssey remains strongly invested in the Melton community. Odyssey’s Youth Team will continue delivering specialist AOD services in the Melton area.