Upcoming Event: A-SIMMO Ipswich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth Resilience Forum and Football Match

Are you or do you know of a local young (12-25) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander going through a tough time? We are holding a fun, engaging free forum for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in the Ipswich region and surrounds. We want to prevent suicide and encourage our young people to seek help.

What: Workshops on Yarnsafe, Safety, Cultural Knowledge (connecting with local Elders) and Cyber Bullying. Free t-shirt for every participant!

Where: Briggs Rd. Sport Complex: 121-135 Briggs Rd. Flinders View

When: Friday 25th September 8.30am-12.30pm (Breakfast and lunch provided)


E: headspace.ipswich@aftercare.com.au. Spaces are limited!