Spilling the Tea on #adulting Workshop


Life can be hard to navigate, so we have created a workshop to provide some guidance on the big question we are all asking, “How do we Adult?”

It’s a 4 week workshop to provide you with skills on “How to Adult” with advice provided by GP’s, Dietician, Employment Consultants and more!

Week 1: Wednesday 21st April 2021 - Physical Health: ‘Q&A with a GP & Dietician’

Week 2: Wednesday 28th April 2021 - ‘How to Manage Your Money’

Week 3: Wednesday 5th May 2021 - Employment: ‘How to sell yourself in 60 secs’

Week 4: Wednesday 12th May 2021 - Alcohol & Drugs: ‘If you choose to use’

For more information please contact: headspace Castle Hill— 02 9393 9800, headspace.castlehill@flourishaustralia.org.au

You can download the flyer here.